Extension of Tele Consultation services to all the CGHS cities
File No.I-30/2020-CGHS/C2P/1718-1746
C.G.H.S. Bhawan, Accommodation Cell
Sector – 13, Rama Krishna Puram
New Delhi – 110066
Dated: 04-Dec-2020
Extension of Tele Consultation services to all the CGHS cities
With the objective of facilitating CGHS beneficiaries, Tele Consultation services were started in CGHS Delhi w.e.f 25th August, 2020. It has now been decided with the approval of the competent authority to extend these services to beneficiaries across India w.e.f 7.12.2020.The timings for Tele- Consultation are from 9 am to 12 noon on all working days. To begin with Tele Consultation facility will be available in following specialties:
1. Medicine
2. Orthopaedics
3. Eye
4. ENT
5. Psychiatry
The facility may be considered for other specialties too subsequently. The beneficiaries can avail the facility by logging in to esanjeevaniopd.in application of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare using their mobile number. eSanjeevani OPD application assigns a doctor to the patient and s/he receives a token for consultation through SMS. Beneficiary can also upload his health records, if any. Thereafter as the doctor is available, a “CALL NOW” button gets activated and upon clicking “CALL NOW” button by the patient, the video consultation is established. After the consultation an e-Prescription is generated. This e-Prescription shall be honoured by all Wellness Centres. For collection of medicines the beneficiary is required to visit the Wellness Center himself or send his authorized representative. E-prescription is valid for all purposes provided
• It bears Ben. ID of the patient and prescribing doctor is from CGHS or any government hospital.
• Since it is computer generated prescription there may be no signature of the prescribing Doctor.
• Rest of the rules regarding issue of medicines and getting the advised investigations/procedures done remain the same has per present CGHS policies /Guidelines issued from time to time.
The flowchart and description on steps to be followed for availing the facility on eSanjeevani OPD Application are enclosed.
(Dr.V K Dhiman)
Additional Director Administration