Kendriya Vidyalaya fee collection 2020-21 in Class XI
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18, Institutional Area
Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi – 16
Phone No. 011-26523070
Date : 28-07-2020
The Deputy Commissioners/Directors
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices/ZIETs
Sub: Fee collection of fee in respect of class XI students promoted from class X — reg.
The KVS HQ is receiving lot of queries regarding collection of fee of class XI students promoted from class X after declaration of result by CBSE. In this regard, it is to inform you that since the collection of fee for the 2nd Quarter is currently going on hence the data cannot be edited/verified for class XI students in respect of existing students. To facilitate collection of fee from class XI students it is decided to open the UBI fee portal for verification of class X1 student data w.el. 06.08.2020. The process of verification in respect of class XI students should he completed by 13.08.2020. It is relevant to inform you that since as of now data for rt Quarter can only he verified in respect of class XI students, the said data for the 3rd Quarter will be replicated for the last two quarters (1st and 2nd) for collection of fee by KVS HQ.
The fee collection for class XI will commence from 15.08.2020 to 31.08.2020 without any late payment fee. The Regional Offices are also directed to send the consolidated list of all students of class XI along with ‘Student Code’ after verification to this office at ‘kvsdcfinance@gmail.com’. Thereafter, UBI portal will be opened for verification of data for the 3rd quarter in respect of all classes.
The content of this letter may be circulated to all Principals of Kendriya Vidyalayas and other stake holders.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Note: – The data only in respect of class XI students promoted from class X should be verified during aforementioned dates.
Yours sincerely
Assistant Commssioner (Fin)