Grant of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) for Non-gazetted Employees
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
RBE No. 14/2022
New Delhi, dated 04.02.2022
No. E(P&A)-2021/HL-1
The General Managers and PFAs,
All Indian Railways
and Production Units etc.
Sub: Clarification regarding grant of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to those non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay level under MACPS.
Ref. : Board’s letter No. E(P&A)l-2017/HL-1 dated 30.08.2017.
In context of Board’s letter cited above, references have been received in Board’s office from some of the Zonal Railways, seeking clarifications regarding entitlement of National Holiday Allowance (NHA) to those non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay level beyond level-8 under MACPS. This issue has also been raised in PNM Forum by AIRF as item No. 11/2018 and by NFIR as item No. 11/2018.
2. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office. MACPS provides for grant of financial upgradation to employees on personal basis and the concerned employees continue to discharge the duties and responsibilities of their substantive post. In view of this, it is clarified that National Holiday Allowance (NHA) may be granted to those eligible non-gazetted employees who are getting higher pay level beyond level-8 under MACPS, at the rates prescribed for the substantive post held by them.
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
4. This disposes of NWR’s letter No. 600 8/Fa/ST/SOHRST/19/2020 dated 23/03/2021.
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(N. P. Singh)
Joint Director/Estt.(P&A),
Railway Board
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