Grievance of Employees/Pensioners should be regarding issues related matters of Pay & Allowances and Pension
18, Institutional Area,
Saheed Jeet Singh Marg New Delhi-110016
Phone no. : 26561153, 26858570,
WWebSite: www.kvsangathan,nic.in
Date: 30.07.2021
All employees/Pensioners,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
Sub:- Redressal of grievance regarding Pay & Allowances and Pension.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ), in its continuous efforts to redress and resolve the grievances of all its employees and pensioners, has once again decided to provide an opportunity to all its employees and pensioners for redressal of their grievances.
The grievance of employees/pensioners should be regarding issues related matters of Pay & Allowances and Pension. The employee/pensioner should first approach concerned KV/R0 for redressal of grievance. In case, the said has not been resolved by the concerned KV/RO, the same should be forwarded to KVS(HQ) at pensir-nadalatkvshci@gmailicom along with all relevant documents.
It will be relevant to mention that following points should be considered while forwarding the grievance:
1. Subject of the grievance should be related to only Finance Division of KVS.
2. The matter under litigation should not be submitted as grievance.
3. The grievance should not be related to matter for which express order has not been issued by Golf KVS.
4. The matter related to conversion from CPF to GPF should not be submitted.
5. The matter related to extension of OM dated 05.05.2009 and 26.08.2016 to the NPS Subscribers of KVS is already in the knowledge of KVS . Hence matter related to this should not be submitted.
6. Matter pending due to Vigilance/Administrative reasons should not be forwarded as grievance.
Only soft copy of grievance should be submitted at email ID mentioned above. While submitting the grievance, complete details such as name of applicant, name of KV, Regional office, particular of grievance etc. should be mentioned clearly.
The grievance should be submitted from the date of issue of this letter till 16.08.2021.
Yours faithfully
(Satya Narain Gulia)
Joint Commissioner (Fin)