Tele-Homecare of COVID 19 positive cases CGHS beneficiaries In Delhi
F.No. 1-2/2020/CGHS/ADHQ/29
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 17th June , 2020.
Sub: Provision of 24×7 assistance to CGHS beneficiaries In Delhi in respect of Tele-Homecare of COVID 19 positive cases
This is in continuation of this Directorate’s Office Memorandum of even No. dated 16.06.2020 vide which guidelines were issued for Tele-Homecare of COVID 19 positive patients. In this regard it is stated that CGHS Delhi has four Wellness Centres where emergency services are available after normal OPD hours. The normal duty hours of CGHS Wellness Centres are from 7.30. A.M. to 2 P.M. on all working days. Therefore, it is hereby ordered that if any COVID 19 positive CGHS beneficiary in Delhi is in need of any assistance or clarification after normal OPD hours, he/she may contact Medical Officer on duty at any of the four CGHS Wellness Centres, whose addresses and contact numbers are given below.
2. These Centres are being provided all guidelines and instructions issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for facilitating COVID Healthcare so that appropriate advice/ guidance could be given to CGHS beneficiaries. Additional Director, CGHS (HQ) is being designated as the Nodal Officer for this purpose and he will maintain the roster of all the Doctors posted in 24×7 WCs. He would obtain the updated position regarding availability of Covid beds from officer concerned in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and communicate the same to the 24×7 WCs. CMO I/C of these WCs will independently get the updates in this regard from Delhi Government’s App Delhi Corona. Based on this information, the MOs deployed in the 24×7 WCs will guide the beneficiaries needing assistance for further care/hospital admission.
3. These facilities are in addition to the roles and responsibilities of District Surveillance Officer prescribed by the concerned State Government.
4. The CGHS Delhi operates four CGHS Wellness Centres namely North Avenue, South Avenue, Telegraph Lane and Kingsway Camp. The addresses of these Wellness Centres
are as under:
I. North Avenue
Address & Tel No
31, North Avenue, New Delhi-1
II. South Avenue
Address & Tel No
153, South Avenue , New Delhi-11
III. Telegraph Lane
Address & Tel No
18-E, Telegraph Lane, New Delhi
IV. Kingsway Camp
Address & Tel No
CGHS Wellness Centre, New Police Line,
Kingsway Camp, Delhi
5. Instructions for CMO I/C of 24×7 WCs
i. The CMOI/C will maintain a separate register for this purpose and the register may be made available to the MO on shift duty and must be signed while taking/making over.
ii. The MO on emergency duty will keep a record of all such calls, query raised or assistance sought and action taken in a specified register. The register will be put up before the CMOI/C of the emergency Wellness Centre in the morning.
iii. The CMOI/C of emergency WC will share the same information with the CMOI/C of the concerned WC for further action as deemed fit.
iv. The CMOIC will further contact the concerned patient to know about his welfare and the events of last night, warranting him to contact the emergency Wellness Centre.
(Dr. Sanjay Jain)
Director, CGHS