Thermal testing in CGHS Wellness Center – (COV1D-19) CGHS Order
Z. 15025/18/2020/ DIR/CGHS/
Govt. of India
Min. of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated the 10th June , 2020
Subject: Reiteration of Advisory in view of the Corona Virus (COV1D-19) Infection- Guidelines to be followed at CGHS Wellness Centres/Units.
In view of the Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19), all out efforts are made by the Government to contain its impact by instituting measures at community as well as at individual level.
2. Guidelines for maintaining social distancing between individuals have already been issued by the Government earlier vide Office Order of even number dated the 15th April 2015. In the spirit of above the under signed is directed to reiterate the following guidelines to be followed strictly at CGHS Wellness Centres/ Units in view of the prevalent COVID-19 infection:
1. The CMO in Charge of the Wellness Centres shall keep themselves updated with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare through the official Website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and CGHS and disseminate the correct information to the staff as well as CGHS beneficiaries.
2. CMO in charge in consultation with Addl. Director shall procure the protective gear for the staff like Face Masks, Gloves, sanitizer, etc., CMO in charge shall ensure their availability and ensure that they are used rationally.
3. Separate Fever Clinic shall be organized at Wellness Centres within the constraints of resources and One Medical Officer shall be designated specifically for the fever clinic for 14 days by rotation. He/She shall not examine any other patients. He/She shall be provided with Protective gear like Face cover, Gloves, N-95 Masks, etc., Prophylaxis with Hydroxy-Chloroquin (HCQ) as per the guidelines of MoHFW shall be provided.
4. Every CGHS beneficiary / CGHS Staff Member entering Wellness Centre shall be screened with Thermal Scanner by the MTS/ Security Staff.
5. Any CGHS beneficiary / Staff member with raised temperature shall be directed to Fever Clinic without registration. Registration number is generated in the module of the Medical Officer of Fever Clinic. The beneficiary shall be examined by the designated Doctor in the Fever Clinic and if , there is suspicion of COVID-19 Infection , the beneficiary shall be advised rt PCR Test for COVID-19 Infection as per prevalent ICMR guidelines. Positive cases shall be referred to the Local Health Centre notified for the COVID-19 by the State Government /Local Authorities and intimate the concerned Authorities.
6. Hand held Pulse Oximeters shall be used as a routine tool for initial assessment of all the patients coming to CGHS OPDs with fever and with or without difficulty in breathing, as part of the revamping of the facilities at CGHS Wellness Centres. There are some reports that early oxygen saturation levels of <=91% in setting of fever or otherwise indicate compromised cardio-pulmonary function, necessitating early hospitalization.
7. Suspected cases of COVID -19 infection with Oxygen saturation of 91% or less shall however , be referred to to the Local Health Centre notified for the COVID-19 by the State Government /Local Authorities and intimate the concerned Authorities without any rt PCR test for COVID-19
8. CMO in charge shall maintain the contact numbers of Nodal Centre for COVID-19 cases and the Local Public health authorities.
9. Those who are performing duty in the Fever clinic shall be provided Prophylaxis with Hydroxy-Chloroquin (HCQ) as per the guidelines of MoHFW.
10. CMO in charge shall procure requisite quantity of Hydroxy Chloroquin (HCQ) in the Wellness Centre and shall ensure that the drug is used strictly as per the guidelines of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
11. CMO in Charge shall arrange for sanitization in co-operation with Local Health Authorities.
(Dr. Sanjay Jain)
Director, CGHS