Transfer Guidelines – 2021 for Teachers up to PGTs & up to Assistant Section Officer
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) shall strive to maintain equitable distribution of its employees across all locations to ensure efficient functioning of the organization and optimize job satisfaction among st employees. All employees are liable to be transferred anywhere in India at any point of time and transfer to a desired location can’t be claimed as a matter of right. While effecting transfers the organizational interest shall be given uppermost consideration and that the problems and constraints of employee shall remain subservient.
Sl.No | Terms | Explanations |
1 | Tenure | The term shall be applicable for Hard Station/North Eastern Region ( NER) Stations: 03-year tenure shall be applicable for Hard stations/NER Stations. Clarification: Tenure of 03 years in the case of Hard and NER Stations shall not be applicable to those employees who have been posted earlier with 02 years tenure. The new tenure of 03 years has been made operative for employees transferred/ posted w.e.f. 2016-17. |
2 | Hard Station | As notified by the KVS from time to time. The existing list of places would continue to operate when these guidelines come into operation. |
3 | Physically Challenged Employee | Those who are in receipt of Conveyance Allowance at double the rate prescribed for other employees or any employee with more than 40% disability on production of Medical Certificate from Govt. Hospital issued by competent Medical Authority/ Board. |
4 | APAR | Annual Performance Appraisal Report. |
5 | Organization | Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan or any office or school under its administrative control. |
6 | Location | A Kendriya Vidyalaya or any other office of KVS located in a place. |
7 | Station | A city/ town/ metropolis as notified by the KVS with a unique three-digit code. More than one Kendriya Vidyalaya/ Office can be located at a station. |
8 | Medical Ground (MDG) | Medical Ground (MDG) means an employee seeking transfer on the basis of one or more of the medical conditions listed in Annexure-I, affecting himself/herself, spouse or dependent son/daughter. Type of Disease 1) Cancer (2) Paralytic stroke (3) Renal failure (4) Coronary Artery disease (5) Thalassaemia (6)Parkinsons ‘ disease (7)Motor-Neuron disease (8)Any other disease with more than 50% mental disability (9) Aids Separately defined in Annexure-I. |
9 | Death of Family Person (DFP) | Incidence of Death of Spouse/ own Son/ own Daughter, if occurred in the last two years. Year to be calculated with reference to 30th June of the year. |
Transfer Guidelines 2021 Download PDF – Click Here