Clarification in Verification of Membership of KVS, Teaching Staff Associations
18, Institutional Ares, Sheheed Jeet Singh Mai
New Delhi -10 016 Fax: 26514179 TEL: 26858570
F.11-Adm1 3/2/2020-Admn-1 Part (1) I 3.
The Deputy Commissioner
Kehdriya Vidyalaya Sarigathan
Jaipur Region
Dated:- 16.07.2021
Sub: Clarification in Verification of Membership of KVS, Teaching Staff Associations – Regarding
Please refer to your office letter no. F. 230183-71/2020-21- KVS-/Jaipur dated 09.07.2021 wherein it has been stated that some of the teachers in Kendra Vidyalayas under your administrative, jurisdiction have submitted their options in favour of more than one teaching staff associations and has sought clarification about deciding the status of their membership
2. Matter has been examined in KVS (Hqrs.) with reference to the extant rules published in the Manual on -Establishment and Administration wherein . the Gol vide OM Nilt) 3-12,194-JCA, dated 10.03.1995 under “Check-off system of verification” has clarified as under.-
“3.2 It has already been laid down that under the check-off system. a Government servant can subscribe to only one association. However references have been received from various Departments that employees are giving their options in favour of more than on association, It is clarified that the options of an employee in favour of more than one association will be treated as invalid and will not be taken into account for any associations’
3. Also KVS (Recognition of Service Associations) Regulations, Appendix XLII(A), Annexure-A, under para 4 provides as undar:-
“Under the Check-off system, a employee. may subscribe to only ONE Association…”
It is, therefore clarified that the option of an employee exercised in faour of more than one staff association will be treated as “invalid” and will not be taken into account for any associations.
This issues with the approval of the commissioner KVS.
Yours faithfully
(Pushpendra Kumar)
Assistant Commissioner (Admin)