Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023
The Central Vigilance Commission, located at Satarkta Bhawan, New Delhi, has issued a circular dated 08.08.2023 regarding the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023. The circular refers to a previous communication (Circular No. 06/08/23, dated 2.8.2023) which outlined preventive vigilance measures and housekeeping activities to be carried out over a three-month campaign starting from 16th August 2023 to 15th November 2023. These activities are intended to pave the way for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023.
केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग
सतर्कता भवन, जी.पी.ओ. कॉम्प्लैक्स,
ब्लॉक-ए, आई.एन.ए., नई दिल्ली-110023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023
Dated. 08.08.2023
Subject : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2023 -regarding.
This is in reference to this office circular bearing No. 06/08/23 dated 2.8.2023 regarding preventive vigilance measures cum housekeeping activities to be taken up in the 3 months campaign from 16 August 2023 till 15th November, 2023 as a prelude to Vigilance Awareness Week 2023.
2. It is requested that due care may be taken to ensure that the instructions of the Commission and the various measures enumerated in it are brought to the knowledge of the Secretary / CMD / Head of the Organization and Action Plan is discussed. Chief Vigilance Officers may also ensure that instructions regarding the three-month campaign period (16 August, 2023 till 15th November, 2023) are disseminated to all offices / units immediately.
3. The CVO may prepare a draft action plan for their respective organizations. The Commission will hold a meeting with the CVOs shortly regarding preparedness of organizations in the implementation of six Preventive Vigilance measures that have been selected as focus areas for Vigilance Awareness Week 2023.
(P. Daniel)
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