Invitation of Expression of Interest (Eol) for Empanelment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme during 2015-16
No.2( 13)/20 14-CRR(DPE)
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Block No.14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.
Dated: 30th April, 2015
Subject: Invitation of Expression of Interest (Eol) for Empanelment of Nodal Agencies for implementation of Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme during 2015-16.
Department of Public Enterprises (OPE) is implementing Counselling, Retraining & Redeployment (CRR) Scheme to provide opportunities of redeployment through counselling and retraining to employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) rendered surplus due to manpower restructuring in CPSEs. Aim of the Scheme is to re-orient employees under Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) / Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS) through short duration training programmes to,enable them to adopt new vocations. The objective is to equip them with skills/expertise enabling them to be deployed mainly in self-employment activities.
2. Detailed guidelines on CRR Scheme containing roles, functions, responsibilities and mandate of nodal agencies are available at
3. OPE is interested in the empanelment of nodal agencies for the implementation of the CRR Scheme during 2015-16. Organisations with excellent credentials having good infrastructure, qualified & experienced faculty, requisite facilities for imparting quality training with experience in conducting training programmes in Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) / Skill Development Programmes (SOPs) are eligible to apply.
4. Nodal agencies play a pivotal role in the implementation of CRR Scheme. Their roles, functions, responsibilities and mandate as outlined in the Scheme guidelines need to be
complied with.
5. Financial assistance will be provided to the nodal agencies by the OPE based on approved norms of expenditure which take into account the hiring of space, salary/honorarium of faculty members & support staff, cost of training material, office expenses, follow up services etc. Such financial assistance to the agencies will be provided by OPE out of the budgetary allocation as per specific norms of expenditure.
6. Interested Organisations may submit the Expression of Interest (Eol) for empanelment of Nodal agencies for implementation of CRR Scheme during 2015-16. Nodal agencies associated with implementation of CRR in theyear 2014-15 are also required to submit fresh Eol.
7. Duly filled Proforma of Profile (enclosed) may be sent to the undersigned within 20 days from the date of advertisement.
(J.N. Prasad)
Telefax: 24360736
Terms and conditions
(i) Agencies will carry out comprehensive survey for the identification of VSSNRS optees from CPSEs through a structured questionnaire. Survey will also cover isolated and migrated VSSNRS optees.
(ii) Nodal agencies will maintain regular contact with the CPSEs concerned for effective implementation of the scheme.
(iii) They will set up Employee Assistance Centres (EACs) at a clearly indicated place as per the need to counsel and train groups of VSSNRS optees residing in and around that area after their separation from the CPSEs.
(iv) Nodal agency has to ensure availability of basic infrastructure and training facilities like class rooms, workshops/labs, computers, qualified faculty, proper sanitation, toilets etc.
(v) The employment record and personal details of traineesare to be mentioned in the Registration forms maintained by the nodal agencies in order to establish the identity of the candidate preferably by capturing Aadhar Number and his/her previous employment linkage with the CPSE from where Voluntary Separation / Retirement took place as well as the eligibility for being trained under CRR.
(vi) Agencies have to ensure sufficient time for the practical training under Skill Development Programmes. Trade wise printed material showing/explaining pictorial diagrams etc. have to be provided by the agency to the trainees as training is of no value without integrating practical sessions in the course curriculum.
(vii) Nodal agencies have to devise ways and means to make practical training purposeful. Practical training must contain provision of demonstrations, doing empirical exercises by the trainees, hands-on sessions, visits to units/factories/industrial sites etc.
(viii) The nodal agencies will have to effectively follow-up all cases till the VSSNRS optees trained under the scheme are redeployed/self-employed.
Emphasis is to be laid on systematic and enduring follow up. Record of efforts made to keep a track of the trained candidates upto their redeployment will have to be sent to OPE and have to be maintained at each EAC.
(ix) For the purpose of redeployment/self-employment, the nodal agencies will have continuous interactions with the trainees and Financial Institutions/Banks for sponsoring applications for bank loans and for facilitating release of loans by the banks to the trainees who wish to set up self-employment activities. Details of such efforts have to be sent to OPE.
(x) Nodal agencies will facilitate interaction of VSSNRS optees with public sector banks, state agencies, Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIOBI), etc. to provide them with useful information on micro financing and various Government Schemes to help redeployment of VRS optees.
(xi) Change in location of EAC by the nodal agency on its own is not permitted.
Only in special circumstances, if a nodal agency submits a request in writing well in advance, OPE may consider such request. OPE’s prior written permission is mandatory for any change in location of EAC. Any agency found guilty of changing EAC on its own will be liable to be debarred from CRR and will have to refund the sanctioned money.
(xii) Once EAC-wise physical targets are allocated, it has to be achieved at the specified EAC as per schedule. Neither any shortfall in achievement of target nor shifting of target from one EAC to other is permissible.
(xiii) If the nodal agency fails to achieve the assigned physical target at a particular Employee Assistance Centre (EAC), the sanctioned money has to be refunded and detailed note in this regard needs to be furnished.
(xiv) Nodal agencies have to ensure that immediately after completion of a particular batch, on line data entry incorporating comprehensive details of trainees in data base of CRR Portal ( like name, age, date of VRS, VRS number, photograph, details of training under CRR as per progress report proforma (to be prescribed by OPE) has been done. Second instalment of 50% of funds will be released by OPE as per expenditure norm only after completion of batch wise data entry in CRR Portal.
(xv) Payment of stipend to trainees by agencies has to be made through electronic mode directly into the accounts of the beneficiaries. The component of ‘ follow-up’ under expenditure norm will be released only after ensuring the online data entry in respect of follow-up and redeployment of trained VRS optees.
(xvi) Apart from inspection by officers of OPE from time to time, the nodal agencies may be subjected to third party field inspections by Third Party Assessing Agencies (TPAA).