Minutes of the 51st Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt
Subject:- Minutes of the 51st Steering Committee Meeting of III level JCM Council of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.
Shri Sham Dev, Jt. CGDA (Admin) in Chair.
Offical side:
Smt.Kavita Garg, Sr.Dy.CGDA (Admin)
Shri Mustaq Ahmad, Dy.CGDA (Admin)
Shri R.Renganathan,Sr.AO (Admin)
Shri S.Lakhanpal,Sr.AO (Admin)
Shri Manoj kumar, Sr.AO (Admin)
Shri R.N.Saini,Sr.AO (Admin)
Shri Ajay Goel, Sr.AO (Admin)
Shri V.J.Gandotra, Sr AO (Admin)
Smt.Seema Jhoshi,Sr.AO (Admin)
Ms.Anupam Dosaj,AO (IT&S)
Shri Murari Kumar, AAO (Admin)
Staff side:
Shri M.Prabhu
Shri M.S.Paulraj
AIDAEA (HQ) Kolkata
Shri K.K.Verma
Shri Sondeep Mukherjee
At the outset, Dy.CGDA (Admin) welcomed all members of the Associations.Sudden demise of Shri S.N. Safai EX JCM III level member was condoled with observing two minutes silence. Ther after minutes of 51st SCM were confirmed and Action taken points of 51st SCM were taken up for discussion.
2.Action taken on the minutes of 50th SCM oF III level JCM Council of the CGDA HQrs. held on 22.08.2016
(i)MTS recruited before 01.01.2016
Order on minimum qualification or appointment for Clerk has been increased to 12th pass after 6th Pay commission, hence Group ‘D’ in our Department recruited before 01.01.2006 would get their promotion to clerk without application to this order, and all of them should be promoted to clerk with prior conditions.
Action taken: The matter is under consideration and data has been called for from various Controllers for forwarding a comprehensive case to the Ministry for consideration.
(Action:AN-XI Section)
(ii)In some Controller’s offices Records Clerks prior to 2006 & group ‘D’having passed Departmental RC examination are deployed on the MTS job(i.e.Group ‘D’job). It was agreed by CGDA office that RC prior to 2006 will be given job of RC only &was issued circular & instructions Aaccordingly.But yet some CsDA/PCsDA are deployed the RC to MTS job i.e.previously done by group ‘D’ staff.
Action Taken: Instructions have already been issued to PCsDA/CsDA that Record Clerks be assigned duties as were being carried out by them before the circulation of combined character of duties for MTS, vide HQrs. Office circular No AN/XI/11409/CR/2009 dated 07.06.2011. The same has been reiterated vide AN/XI/11409/CR/2009 dated 24.01.2017. The chairman has directed the official side to display 07.06.2011 letter on the website.
(Action:AN -XI Section)
(iii) In Panagarh, 3offices AO(GE) AF, AO(GE) Army & AO(GE) Project are entrusted to l AO though budget and fund allotment are maintained in different code heads.Urged to allot separate officers in each officers.
Action Taken: The matter is being looked into.
(Action:AN-II Section)
3.Agenda points discussed in 51st SCM:
(i)Agenda No.1: Re-fixation and recovery of pay of DEOs.
CGDA office vide their letter No.dated 01.09.2016 instructed all their sub officers to refix the pay of DEOs as per direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court judjement under civil Appeal No.10862 of 2014 dated 09.12.2014.
AIDAA(CB) Pune has taken up issue in JCM II meeting held on 18.11.2016.
Based on request of AIDAA(CB) Pune, MoD/D(Civ-I) vide their letter No.6(06)/2016-D(Civ-I)dated 30.11.2016 has requested a CGDA office to stop the re-fixation till the finalization of the pending SLP case in Hon’ble Supreme Court.
In view of the above we request the Hon’ble CGDA to stop the process of re-fixation of pay of the DEOs till the finalization of the SLP pending in the Supreme Court.
AIDAA(CB)Pune requested to withhold the recovery and one more reference be made to Ministry and also seek legal opinion.
Reply: Chairman informed the staff side that pending SLP(MACP)case can not be linked with this case,however, the competent authority considered the representations for stoppage of recovery of over payment made to DEOs.The same has not been acceded to.
(ii)Agenda No.2:Grade of pay 5400 to AAOs
7th Central Pay Comision in para 11.12.140 has recommended for Grade pay of Rs.5400/ in pay band -2 to the Assistant Accounts officers of Defence Accounts Department.Govt.of India Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence D(Civ-I)vide their letter No.11(3)/2016-D(Civ-I) dated 28.10.2016 and 16.12.2016 has requested the CGDA office to send the proposals to DoP&T through Administrative division of MoD(Fin). In view of the above (CB) Pune is requesting Hon’ble CGDA office to send the proposal to DoP&T at the earliest.
Reply:The Chairman informed the staff side that the matter is under active consideration by MoD(Finance).
(Action:AN-XIV Section)
(iii) Agenda No .3:promotion of Auditor to Sr.Auditor
Upto 23.09.2013 Auditors of our Department were getting their promotion to Sr.Auditor on completion of three years.All of a sudden the residency period was increased to six years. This has definitely demoralized the mindset of the Auditors who are freshly entering to our Department.In order to retain maximum fresh recruits in our Department we have to make our Department more attractive. In this process giving promotion to Auditors to Senior Auditors on completion of three years is one such step to attract fresh recruits.In view of the above we request the CGDA Office to take up the case to the appropriate authority to change the RR.
Reply:Promotion from Auditor to the grade of Sr.Auditor is being done as per existing RR for the post of Sr.Auditor.The retention period of 6 years was changed as per model RRs issued by DoP&T. Any change/amendment will have to be approved by DoP&T.
(Action:AN-XI Section)
(Point selected for Main Meeting)
(iv) Agenda No.4: Age limit for EX-servicemen-Departmental Examination of MTS to Clerk.
Ex-servicemen(graduate) who has been appointed in te Department as MTS,have already crossed the age limit of 45 years,are now not eligible to attend Departmental Examination for the post of clerks.As they have served a lengthy service in the Armed Forces,they may be exempted the total years of service they put the Armed Forces from the age limit of 45 years. The Department have,as of now, no age barrier for apearing in the Departmental SAS exams of part-I and Part-II.
Reply: As per Recruitment Rules of clerk the maximum age limit for eligibility of departmental examination is 45 years and 50 years of SC/ST.Maximum age limit for appearing the departmental exam has been prescribed by the DoP&T.beyond this age limit nobody can be permitted to appear for departmental examination. Chairman advised the staff side to raised the issue at different forum.
(Discused and dropped)
(v)Agenda No.5: Roster of Sr.Auditors/Auditors/Clerks/DEOs.
Updated rister of each category may be published in the Department’s Web site.
Reply: Roster seniority list for various carde has already been published on CGDA website except Senior Auditors,Which is in hand
(vi)Agenda No.6:Opening of Accounts office (Navy) at Naval Academy, Ezhimala.
The Naval Academy,Ezhimala is projecting the case of opening Accounts office (Navy) at Ezhimala for the last 7 years. At present, they depend upon AAO (Navy) Kochi.Opening of a Accounts office in Ezhimala will facilitate DAD to render services to prestigious Academy in time.
Reply:The Chairman informed the staff side that the proposal was examined at length on the highest level. But,it could not be considered.
(Discussed and dropped)
(vii)Agenda No.8;Approach to perspective defence pensioners.
It is requested to approach Inspector of Records (Army HQrs.), Chief Accounts officers of Air Force and Navy, DGs of the Ordnance Factories and DRDO,to motivate perspective pensioners to opt their pension through DPDOs wher available for drawl of their pension in the accurate and timely manner.
Reply: The Chairman informed that the issue is not within the purview of jvm III level.
(iv)Agenda No.9:Non transfer of pension documents by CPPCS.
A large number of pensioners drawing pension from Banks are submitted application to CPPC of the concerned bank to transfer their documents to DPDO. CPPCs are unduly delaying the transfer the applicant’s documents.
Reply: The Chairman informed that the issues is not within the purview of JCM III level.
(x)Agenda No.10:Booking of Guest Houses online
Although decision for Booking of Guest Houses online was inaugurated by the then CGDA still the software is not uploaded in CGDA’S web site.It is almost more than one year still theproject is not comleted.In view of the above we request the Honble CGDA office to upload the software.
Reply:The technical expertise hired for customizing and maintanance of DAD online Guest House management system is not available as intimated by IT&S Wing.Need for rehiring of programmer will be reviewed and action will be taken accordingly.
AN-XII Section
(Point Selected for Main Meeting.)
(xi)Agenda No .11:Provision of land for PAO(ORs)Kannur.
The present office is located in Army land. A case has already been taken up to transfer Defence land to DAD for Construction of DAD funds.The case is struck at various levels and taking inordinate delay. An approach from CGDA office through Ministry of Defence is required to materialize the case.
Reply: No such proposal has been received from CDA Chennai. However, CDA Chennai has been requested to forward complete details of the case.Chairman directed the officials side to follow up the matter.
(Action:AN-XII Section)
(xii)Agenda No.12:Uploading of approved volunteer list for Bhutan,Nepal,Portblair and North East.
In earlier meetings, it has assured to consider uploading of volunteer list of above stations in CGDA Website.
Reply: Annual volunteer list of all station including Bhutan Port Blair and NER are uploaded on the Website as and when Processed.
(Discussed and dropped)
(xiii) Agenda No.13: Timely repatriation of staff from Bhutan, Nepal, Portblair and North East.
AIDAA(CB)Pune is requesting CGDA office to upload transfer order issued tothese station. This will definitely helpful in timely repatriation of staff from the above stations and undue delay in posting of staff at these stations will hamper the aspirants for these stations.
Reply:Chairman informed the staff side that repatriation of staff from Bhutan,Nepal, Portblair and North East will be ensured.
(Discussed and Dropped)
(xiv)Agenda No.14: Three choise station for new Recruits.
Reuest for asking 3 station for posting during joining formalities for fresh recruits may please considered. This will preventdesertion, administrative burden for home town transfer request for different grounds, save ex-chequer will improove retention policy.
Reply: Choice stations are being called at the time of distribution of dossiers. Candidates are accomadated to stations as per order of rank and choice,if feasible.
(xv)Agenda No .15:Uniform transform policy-sensitive assignment
AIDAA(CB)Pune is requesting CGDA office to issue guidlines to all their sub offices to follow uniform transfer policy for sensitive assignment.
Reply: Chairman informed yhe staff side that uniform transfer policy will be followed by all Controllers.
(Discussed and Dropped)
(xvi)Agenda No.16:SAS prelims Examination
SAS prelims examination to conduct every year. On every announcement of SAS-I examination preliminary examination may also be conducted. This will encourage new entrants to the Department to give their name for examination.We also request the CGDA office that Mains SAS examination may be objective type,and once a paper is cleared it should be exempted.
Reply: At present proposal of restructuring of SAS examination is under consideration. The suggestion will be looked into while finalizing the revised SAS Rules.
(xvii) Agenda No.17: Dispensation of work book
One more important milestone which we achieved is dispending of workbooks.Now in the era of office automation,repeating the same in work Books which is already available in the system. This type of advance decisions by the department will help the staff members to think of more advancement.
Reply: The matter will be looked into, after automation is fully implementation in the Department.
(xviii) Agenda No.18: Retention of Govt.Accommodation
As per CGDA’S order, a deceased Govt. employee’s dependent family cannot avail quatter facilities for more than two years. Wherein comassionate appointment to the next of kin.i.e.wife or child is taking a longer period. This is a burning issue with the dependent families wherein having got used to secured life. Going out of this and living in outside rented accommodation is taxing them. Hence,permission to stay in the quarter may please be considered.
Reply: Chairman informed the staff side the retention of Quarters by the dependent family members is governed by allotment of Govt.Residence (DAD pool Rules 1986 as amended and hence,further permission beyond the prescribed allotment rules is not possible.
(xix) Agenda No.19: Wellington Hard Station
PAO(ORs) wellington is situated in deep south in Neelgiris Hills (Ooty)with extreme nature of climate. In a year more than 10 months this station is having service cold climate. One more office in the same hills is Arvankadu. CGDA office has declared Aravankadu has hard station with three years tenture,whereas the Wellington has termed as tentire station with three years tenture. Both stations are having a distance of less than Two Kms.In view of the above we request Hon’ble CGDA office to consider Wellington as hard station with Two years tenture for both the offices.
Reply:There is no difference between Wellington and Auvankadu in repaatriation of staff/officers from these stations.
(xx)Agenda No .20: Call for inter Department candidates to DAD.
To overcome the actue manpower shortage in the Department, a call for inter department candidates be mooted as done in the earlier years.With more than 50% shortage of staff strength, these type of urgent measures will definitely help in the department to come out of the shortage.
Reply: Chairman appreciated the idea and informed that a Proposal for several inter departmental candidates for induction in DAD has been forwarded to MOD (F) for consideration and the reply is still awaited.
(Action:AN-VIII Section)
(xxi) Agenda No.21: Keeping in view of the actue staff shortage in the DAD we request the department to recruit ex service men directly by making public announcement in the leading newspaper and in CGDA’s website. This will definitely the reduce the waiting time from SSC and changes of getting local staff willbe more.This point we have take many a times in the earlier JCM III meetings and the decision was ‘we will explore the possibility.’ As of Now Ex service are coming to our Department through SSC. This will be one of the major milestone decision towards reducing the staff deficiency.
Reply: As per recruitment rules, recruitment has been done through SSC only. There is no exemption laid down for direct recruitment of ex-serviceman.
(xxii)Agenda No.22:Conducting of JCM IV(ROC)meeting.
Many sub offices under CGDA is not conducting their ROC meeting at regular intervals. Although many times CGDA office instructed the respective office to hold the meeting on fixed intervals.This is one such meeting where local issues will be addressed. In view of the above we request the Hon’ble CGDA to issue one more instructions on these lines.At the same time we request the CGDA office ti call for the minutes of the ROC meetings which will help thr HQrs. office tokeep the track on such meetings. Many suboffices are giving the reasons of TA/DA for non conducting of the such meetings.
Reply: The reqisite information regarding details of ROC meeting conducted by Controllers in last two years,has since been received from the Controllers.It quarterly basis . Some of thr Controllers have not convened ROC meeting due to non-consisting of ROC. Those Controllers are being instructed to reconstitute ROC and convening of quartely meeting. Minutes of the meeting of IV level of JCM is also being received in HQrs. Office Enough funds are being provided as per the demand of concerned Controllers.
(xxiii) Agenda No.23:Uploading of minutes of the ROC/JCM IV in the PCDA/CDA website.
Instruction may please be issued to all sub offices to upload the minutes of ROC in their respective website on the line of CGDA. This will be definitely a good move in bringing more transperancy in the Department.
Reply: CsDA/CsDA have been advised to upload the minutes of ROC IV at their respective website.
(xxiv) Agenda No.24: Carde restruturing and promotion policy for Auditors.
Those who join as Auditors but could not appear or clear SAS retire a Sr.Auditors only. Time bound promotions with higher responsibilities and better designation should be given to them,as in income tax Department where they are promoted from UDC to OS to administrative officer Grade III /GradeII/ grade I i.e.Gazetted Officers.
Reply: Carde restructure is under active consideration
(Action:AN-XI Section)
(xxv)Agebda No.24: Up gradation facilities in RTC Guest Houses and DAD Guest Houses.
Majority of the RTC Guest houses and DAD guest houses are not having basic facilities . Maintanance of them is not Satisfactory. Hence, suitable guidline may please be issued to all the sub offices under CGDA to upgrade the facilities.
Reply: Chairman directed the officials side to issue a general circular in this regard.
(Action:AN-XII Section)
(xxvi) Agenda No.26: Construction of more Guest Houses in metro cities.
Frequently many of the staff mambers and officers are moving to different Metro cities for their Ty Duty and they are in need of guest Houses. Hence,We request the Hon’ble CGDA to explore the possibilities of construction of more guest Houses in these cities.
Reply:Chairman informed the staff side that onstruction of more guest Houses in metro cities is not feasible.
(xxvii) Agenda No.27:Recruitment of wet canteen staff.
Although CGDA office has given sanction for direct recruitment of staff for wet canteen many of the Controllers office has not yet stated the process. Since many of the canteen staff have retired that are also facing acute shortage of staff. Hence we request the administration to direct all the offices to complete the process at the earliest.
Reply: Chairman directed the official side to follow up the issue.
(Action:AN-VIII Section)
(xxviii) Agenda No.28: Majority of the staff members in our Department are depending upon the wet canteen of their respective office. Condition of the majority of the wet canteens are not at all satisfactory.Majority of them are not having basic infrastructures.Local administration is not giving due attention. Hence we request the CGDA office to issue guidline all their sub offices.
Reply:PCsDA/CsDA are being advised to maintain the wet canteen properly with all basic infrastrucures.
(Action:AN-XIV Section)
Point selected for main Meeting.
(xxiv) Agenda No.29:Defence Accounts Sports Control Board
Activities of the board has to be uploaded in the CGDA office web site. Sub offices are not getting intimation from this board.Hence, we request Hon,ble CGDA to issue guidlineto DASCB. We request HQrs. office to nominate at least two members from both the association as members for the DASCB.Since more member of sport quota staff are reporting too our Department, it is the right timr to upgrade and strengthen the board.
Reply:All the sports events/activities of DASCB are being regularly uploaded in the CGDA website and there is no complaint from any staff yet. Nominating association members in DASCB was not agreed upon earlier also, hence,it is not feasible.
(xxx) Agenda No.30:Promotion form the date of publication of Roster.
We are thankful to CGDA office for conducting many examinations and announcing the results. Timely conducting the examinations and results has encouraged many of the new recruits to stay back in the Department. Promotion and financial benefit for those candidates are being given from the subsequent date i.e.01/04 of the respective years. In view of the above we request the Hon,ble CGDA to extend financial benefit from the date of publication of result as done in the case of SAS II
Reply: Passing of the departmental examination is not only the criteria for promotion/placement in next grade but also the individuals have to be adjudicated fit by DPC.Thereafter the individuals are promoted as per availability of vacancies. As such seniority on promotion will be accouted from the date of actual promotions in terms of DoP&T Guidliness.
(xxxi)Agenda No .31:Opening of wet canteen in CFA Ishapore.
In this connnection we would like to refer CGDA office letter AN/XIV/19007/DoP&T Vol-IV dated 09.04.2014 were in the CGDA office has directed PCFA(Fys)Kolkota to Explore the possiibilities of opening a wet Canteen in that office. Still the matter is not setteled. Hence once, again we request the HQrs. office to speed up the case since the staff of that are having the serious problem food and refreshment.
Reply: Chairman informed the staff side that being the local issue this has to be dealt with by the Controller and issue to be sorted out at their level.
(Discussed and dropped)
(xxxii)Agenda No.32: Recruitment/Deputation of Auditor in particular regions from other central Govt.Department offices for smoothing repatriation as per HQrs.prescribed tenture.
Reply:Chairman informed the matter is being taken up with Chairman SSC.
(Action:AN-VIII Section)
(xxxiii)Agenda No.34:AFTER 6 CPC certain grade of DAD employees became looser viz. RC and erstwhile group ‘D’ employees due to clubbing to posts. A recent DoP&T order asked for amendment note for SR/RR. It is urged to expedite the report to Ministry concerned at the earliest.
Reply: No specific DoP&T order available on the subject. However, chairman advised the staff side to forward any such order of DoP&T so matter can be examined.
(XXXV) Agenda No .35:DPDO offices may be brought under control of nearby PCDA/PCA/CDA offices since staff and officers are facing extreme inconveniences to obtain personal claim.
Reply: The proposal was already re-examined. Bring out DPDO under regional Controllers is not administratively feasible.
(Discussed and dropped)
(xxxv) Agenda No .36: Preparation of roster for the post of Supervisor Accounts and provision of promotion.
Reply: Consequent upon publication of recruitment rules for AAO.w.e.f.01.09.2015 merging Section Officesrs and AAO, the post of Supervisor Accounts is no more operative in our Departmant.
(xxxvii) Agenda No. 37:Web publication of the final list of combined seniority in Auditor grade.
Reply:Chairman directed the official side to expedite the issue.
(Action;AN-XI Section)
(Mustaq Ahmad)