Guidelines regarding Merger of 33 Postal dispensaries with CGHS
Government Of India
Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare
Department Of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011
Dated the 25th January,2019
Subject: Guidelines regarding Merger of 33 Postal dispensaries with CGHS
With reference to the above subject reference is invited to the order No.S.11011/01/2016/CGHS-III-EHS dated 21-12-2018 vide which orders have been issued for takeover of 33 postal dispensaries by CGHS. In this regard a communication No.2-3/2009-Medical dated the 23 January 2019 from Assistant Director (Medical) Department Of Posts has been received vide which it was clarified that the budget for the current financial year has already been allocated to the Circles (Subordinate Offices) in connection with Postal Dispensaries and Hence, Department of Posts agress to beat the expenditure for the remaining part of financial year prior to merger/takeover instead of transferring the allocated budget for postal Dispensaries to the MoH&FW. It is also requested that all necessary formalities for takeover w.e.f 01.04.2019 may be undertaken forthwith so that beneficiaries or doctors are not put to any difficulties. A copy of the communication is enclosed.
In view of the above, the undersigned is directed to state that necessary action may be taken by the concerned Additional Directors of CGHS to complete the requisite formalities, so that the 33 dispensaries shall fundion as CGHS wellness centres w.e.f.01.04.2019.The guidelines to be followed in this regard along with the list of Additional Directors under whose administrative control the 33 dispensaries shall funtion are enclosed.
Encl as above
(Dr.Atul Prakash)
Director, CGHS
1. Administration /Manpower related:
(i) Meeting with the concerned local Postal Authorities for obtaining the following information/Data
(a) Sanctioned staff strength and staff in position as on date.
(b) Last Pay Certificate of the doctors and staffs available as on 28.02.2019.
(c) Detailed list of consumable and dead stock article available as on date.
(d) Detail of infrastructure like area, land holding etc.
(e) Liabilities as on 31.03.2019.
(ii) Formation of a coordination commitee for merging of dispensaries:-
A Committee will be constituted with four members. Postal Authorities shall nominate two persons and two persons shall be nominated from CGHS.
(iii) Allocation of permanent advance imprest money to that dispensary.
2. Beneficiary/CGHS Card/ Computerization related:
(i) TO take note of existing number of beneficiary in the postal dispensary and approximate number of pensioner beneficiaries who are likely to be shifted from nearby CGHS Wellness Centres to the newly formed dispensary may be ascertainted.
(ii) The subscription after takeover by CGHS shall be at CGHS rates and deducted from the Salary incase of serving employees.
(iii) Action may be taken for procurement of Computer, printer, Flat Bed Scanner and accessories and Leased Line Connectivity/ Telephone with Broad Band.Data Card for immediate operations may be procured whereever they are needed.
(iv) Necessary Eletrical wiring/points and LAN wiring for computers may be undertaken. Action may be initiated for online UPS as in case of other CGHS Wellness Centres.
(v) NIC may be contacted and meeting may be organized with NIC for subsequent computerization and putting IP address of the system-User names/Pass words in consultation with NO, CGHS(MCTC)
(vi) Areas covered under the new CGHS Wellness Centre shall be identified and notified-Since it is a new WC it shall be limited to a radius of approx…5 Kms.
(vii) Training of the staffs of Postal dispensary in receipt and entry of Data for issuance of CGHS card.
3. Medicines Related:
(i) Estimate of the medicine required for those dispensaries may be ascertained based on the basis of approximate number of beneficiary in those dispensaries.
(ii) Action may be initiated for procurement of medicines as per the guidelines prevalent and action may be taken to register with GMSD.
(iii)The exiting local chemist of the postal dispensary may be contacted to continue to provide services on the same terms and conditions as an interim measure and approval of Directorate General of CGHS may be taken for engaging the chemist on same terms and – conditions for six months or till finalization of new tender process, whichever is earlier.
4. Accommodation Related
In dispensaries functioning in rented accommodation the owners of the building may be contacted to continue the existing agreement for at least one year and seek approval of Directorate. For revision of rent assessment by CPWD may be undertaken subsequently.
5. Meeting may be held with the local Pensioners’ Association and action may be taken for formation of Local Advisory Committee.
6. E-Tender Processes
Action may be initiated for e-tender for appointment of Local Chemist and for outsourcing of House-keeping and Security Services.
7. Empanelment of private Hospitals / Diagnostic Centres at the CGHS rates of the City of the concerned Additional Director.