Clarification regarding suspension of CGHS empanelment of BLIP Super Specialty Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi
No: S.11011 /40 /2017 – CGHS (NEC.)
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(Hospital Empanelment Cell)
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 011,
Dated : 21.06.2017
Subject: Clarification regarding suspension of CGHS empanelment of BLIP Super Specialty Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi
With reference to the above mentioned matter, the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum of even number dated 19.06.2017 and to clarify that although B.L.Kapoor Hospital, Pusa Road, New Delhi has been suspended from empanelment under CGHS w.e.f. 19.06.2017 , CGHS beneficiaries shall be allowed to continue treatment at CGHS rates as per the details given under:
- Completion of Radiotherapy in respect of the CGHS beneficiaries already undergoing Radiotherapy .
- Completion of Chemotherapy cycle scheduled prior to 30th June 2017
- Haemodialysis in permitted cases upto 30th June 2017
- Treatment of CGHS beneficiaries already admitted in the hospital prior to the issue of OM dated 19.06.2017 till their discharge within a period of 10 days. Bill of patients discharged after 29.06.2017 shall be submitted with proper justification for consideration by CGHS.
Dr. D. C. Joshi
Director CGHS
Tel- 011-23062800