Empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals / Centers under CGHS
F. No Z. 28015/01/2006-HD Cell/CGHS/
Government of India
Ministry of Health & family welfare
Directorate General of Central Government Health Scheme
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated: 01.10.2015
Subject: Empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals / Centers under CGHS and CS (MA) Rules for Ayurveda. Unani and Yoga & Naturopathy treatments/ procedures and Fixation of Package rates.
Reference is invited to the Notification. No Z. 28015/01/2006-HD Cell/ AYUSH/ CGHS/HQ/Pt-I, dated 03/7/2015 and O.M. No. Z. 28015/01/2006-HD Cell/CGHS dated 3/7/2015.
The undersigned is directed to state that after following the prescribed proceedure and on submission of required documents like Memorandum of Aggreement, Performance Bank Gaurantee and Acceptance letter etc. by the QCI recommended AYUSH Hospitals and Centers for empanelment under CGHS and CS (MA) Rules were considered by the competant aurhority and approved. The list of such AYUSH hospitals and package rates/rates for treatments/ procedures are enclosed as Annexures “A” and “B” respectively. The rates and the O.M. is valid for a period of 6 months from 3/7/2015 to 02/1/2016 or new rates are finilised through fresh tender process whichever is earlier.
2. The undersigned is further directed to clarify as under
(a) “Package Rate” means rates for a package of treatment of standard set of procedures that are administered to the patient while undergoing treatment for a pre-diagnosed disease condition for the specified time period. The package rates which are specified for diagnosed diseases/conditions in Annexure “B” should strictly be adhered. Procedures other than the package rates listed in Annexure “B” for a nonspecific disease condition which is not mentioned under package rates will be considered as per the list. The duration of the treatments should not exceed 34 days for Ayurveda and 28 days for Yoga and Naturopathy in the light of P.M. dated 1-1-2008.
i) This includes all charges pertaining to a particular treatment/procedure including registration charges, admission charges, accommodation charges, cost of medicines, Panch Karma charges, Labor Room charges, charges for Kshar sutra operation/procedure charges Doctor/Consultant visit charges, Monitoring charges, operation theatre charges, procedural charges/Surgeon’s fee , cost of disposable surgical charges and cost of all sundries used during hospitalization related to routine investigations, physiotherapy charges etc. from the time of admission to till discharge. This also is inclusive of all sub-procedures and related procedures to complete the treatment.
ii) No additional charge on account of extended period shall be allowed if that extension is due to any improperly conducted procedure.
(b) The rates not indicated in Annexure “B” in respect of items under the head of admission fee, consultation fee, laboratory Investigations/diagnostic tests/procedures, hospitalization Nursing care, Transportation, engagement of attendants etc. will be the same as prescribed for recognized private Allopathic Hospitals under the CGHS. The rates pertain to 2008 of allopathic system are applicable as the O.M. of the dated 1-1-2008 of AYUSH procedures are extended.
(c) Re-imbursement for treatment/procedures for which prescribed rates have not been indicated in Annexure “B” will be charged as per actual. The Hospitals are not required to give medicines in OPD or at the time of discharge of the patient. Medicines so provided shall not be reimbursable. Procedures / Treatments given to the beneficiary outside the list will be discouraged if justification is not given for doing outside procedures.
(d) Ward entitlement and rates for room charges will be as prescribed earlier for CGHS beneficiaries. Room rent is applicable only for treatment procedures for which there is no prescribed package rate and will include charges for occupation of bed, diet for the patient, charges for water and electricity supply, linen charges, nursing charges and routine up-keeping. Expenses on toiletries, cosmetics, telephone bills etc. are not reimbursable and are included in rates/package rates.
(e) The prescribed rates as indicated in Annexure “B” shall be valid for the period of Memorandum of Agreement required to be signed by the Hospital/ Centre with the CGHS in general but in the present case the period is specified in the second pargraph of the O.M.The additional time taken in the MOA is meant to address any dispute arise between the parties while the activities are in operational or in case if extenion is required to be obtained from the aurhorities in exgensis.
3. The treatment at these empanelled AYUSH Hospitals/Centers may be taken only with the prior authorization/ permission in accordance with the CGHS Rules or the CS (MA) Rules as the case may be in force at the time of taking treatment.
4. (i) In respect of the CGHS beneficiaries permission for treatment is granted by CMO In charge/ Additional Director / Joint Director, CGHS in case of pensioners, former Governors , Former Vice-president Ex-MPs, Freedom Fighters etc. and by Rajya Sabha / Lok Sabha Secretariat as the case may be in case of Members of Parliament by the Registrar General of Supreme Court and by the Registrar Delhi High Court in respect of serving employees and pensioners of case of serving Govt, employees serving employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies covered under CGHS such permission shall be issued on the basis of recommendation from CMO/SMO I/C of the concerned AYUSH dispensary.
ii) In respect of the Government employees covered under the CS (MA) Rules, authorization/permission is to be issued by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department based on the recommendations of the AMA of the concerned system of the medicine.
iii) For Yoga & Naturopathy Office Memorandum NO. 15/11-21/2009/CGHS (SZVCGHS (P) dated 27th October, 2009 which is in free will continue.
5. The AYUSH Hospitals/Centers will not refuse admission/treatment to Central Government Employees or their dependant family members who are not CGHS beneficiaries if they produce certified/ attested copies of identity cards issued by the Government of India and have been referred to the Hospital/Diagnostic centre by the organization in which they are working and shall not charge more than the prescribed package rates/ rates in such cases.
6. An AYUSH Hospital/centre empanelled as above, whose rates for treatment procedures/tests are lower than the prescribed rates shall charge as per actual.
7. (a) Hospitals shall provide credit facility to the following categories of CGHS beneficiaries (including dependant family members, whose names are entered on CGHS Card) on production of valid permission letter:
• Members of Parliament;
• Pensioners of Central Government drawing pension from central estimates;
• Former Vice-presidents, Former Governors and former Prime Ministers;
• Ex-Members of Parliament;
• Freedom Fighters;
• Serving CGHS employees;
• Serving employees of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (including attached / subordinate offices under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare); and
• Such other categories of CGHS cardholders as notified by the Government.
(b) Bills should be submitted to the Office of the Rajya Sabha Secretariat / Lok Sabha Secretariat in case of sitting Members of Parliament and to Additional Director. CGHS (Hqrs), Delhi / concerned CGHS city, in case of beneficiaries enlisted above, once in a month.
8. Reimbursement in case of pensioners, former Governors, former Vice-Presidents, ex-MPs, Freedom Fighters, etc.. Is made by Additional Director of concerned CGHS city through BCA and by Rajya Sabha Secretariat / Lok Sabha Secretariat in case of sitting Members of Parliament and by concerned Ministry / Department/ Organization in case of serving Govt, employees, serving employees and pensioners of autonomous bodies covered under CGHS.
9. Any legal liability arising out of such services, responsibility solely rests on the hospital and shall be dealt with by the concerned empanelled hospital/diagnostic centre. Services will be provided by the Hospitals/Diagnostic centers as per the terms of agreement
10. The Hospitals/Diagnostic centers will give a discount 5% on every cash payment charged directly from the beneficiaries.
CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general ward depending on their basic pay / pension. The entitlement is as follows:-
S.No |
Basic Pay (without the inclusion of grade pay) |
Entitlement |
1 |
Up to Rs.13,950/- |
General Ward |
2 |
Between Rs.13,951/- and Rs.19,530/- |
Semi-Private Ward |
3 |
Rs.19,540/- and above |
Private Ward |
The room rent will be Rs.500/-, Rs.1000/- & Rs.1500 for General Ward, Semiprivate Ward and Private Ward. It is clarified that indoor package rates for Yoga & Naturopathy are inclusive of room rent as per entitlement of the beneficiary.
11. A hospital empanelled under CGHS, whose normal rates for treatment procedure / test are lower than the CGHS prescribed rates shall charge as per the rates charged by them for that procedure / treatment from a non-CGHS beneficiary and will furnish a certificate to the effect that the rates charged from CGHS beneficiaries are not more than the rates charged by them from non-CGHS beneficiaries.
12. Private ward is defined as a hospital room where single patient is accommodated and which has an attached toilet (lavatory and bath). The room should have furnishings like wardrobe, dressing table, bed-side table, sofa set, carpet, etc. as well as a bed for attendant. The room has to be air-conditioned.
13.Semi Private ward is defined as a hospital room where two to three patients are accommodated and which has attached toilet facilities and necessary furnishings.
14.General ward is defined as halls that accommodate four to ten patients.
15.Normally treatment in higher category of accommodation than the entitled category is not permissible. However, in case of an emergency when the entitled category accommodation is not available, admission in the immediate higher category may be allowed till the entitled category accommodation becomes available. However, if a particular hospital does not have the ward as per entitlement of beneficiary, then the hospital can only bill as per entitlement of the beneficiary even though the treatment was given in higher type of ward.
16. In case of non-emergencies, the beneficiary shall have the option of availing specific treatment / investigation from any of the empanelled hospitals of his / her choice (provided the hospital is empanelled for that treatment procedure / test), after the same has been advised by CGHS / other Government Specialist / CMO in-charge and permission is obtained from the competent authority for within the city. For treatments availing by the beneficiary from empanelled list of AYUSH Hospitals from outside city where he is residing no T.A. & D.A. will be reimbursed provided the treatments is available in the city of residence.
17.This office memorandum is extension of earlier orders dated 01/01/2008 relating to empanelment of AYUSH Hospitals and Diagnostic centers under CGHS
18.A copy of this OFFICE MEMORANDUM along with the annexures of A & B is placed on the website of Ministry, www.mohfw.nic.in/cghs/htm
Director (CGHS)
Tel. No. 011-23062800
Annexure- A
The following hospitals have been empanelled under CGHS/C.S.(M.A) Rules for Ayurvedic System from 03-07-2015
S.No. |
Name and Address of the Hospital/centers |
Recommended System |
1 |
Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital, Block-B, Pocket-P, Shalimar Bagh (West) Delhi-110088. |
General Ayurveda |
2 |
KLE Ayurveda Hospital Medical Research Center Shahapur Belgaum-590003 Karnataka (India) |
General Ayurveda |
3 |
Punarava Ayurveda Hospital Edappally North P.O. Cochin Kerala-682024 |
General Ayurveda |
4 |
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital. Moonga P.O. Near Thachottukavu Trivandrum Pin-695573 |
General Ayurveda Shalakya |
5 |
Addlife Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital And Research Institute 1st Avenue Road No. 14 Banjarahills, Hyderabad-500034 |
General Ayurveda |
6 |
Shri Dhanwantry Ayurvedic College & Dabour Dhanwantari Hospital Sector-46/B Chandigarh-160047 |
General Ayurveda |
7 |
Lavanya Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital & Research Centre74/2 Maidangarhi Extension Chhatarpur Maidangarhi Rd Nr Chhatarpur MandirNew Delhi |
General Ayurveda |
8 |
Lavanya Ayurvedic Cancer Hospital & Research Centre Dhawa Estate Deva Road Near Telco Chinhat Lucknow (UP)227105 |
General Ayurveda |
9 |
Parathuvayalil Hospital Keezhillam P.O., Ernakulam District,Kerla State India, PIN-683541. |
General Ayurveda |
10 |
B.S.D. Trust’s Ayurved Hospital & Research Centre Vishwashatidham Off Kesnand Road At Post Wagholi Taluka Haveli Dist Pune (MH)412207 |
General Ayurveda |
11 |
Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College Hospital Kozhipara P.O. Palakkad (Dist) Kerala |
General Ayurveda |
12 |
Jaipur Ayurveda Hospital Village-Vatika Tehsil-Sanganer, Distte- Jaipur, Rajasthan |
General Ayurveda |
13 |
Sree Subramania Ayurvedic Nursing Home Karikkamkulam Karaparamba PO Calicut-673010 Kozhikode Dist Kerala. |
General Ayurveda |
14 |
Alvas Ayurveda Medical College Hospital Vidyagiri Moodbidri South Canara Dist Karnataka State Pin-574227 |
General Ayurveda |
15 |
Kailash Institute Of Naturopathy Ayurveda & Yoga26 Knowledge Park-1 Greater Noida Gautam Budh Nagar Uttarprades-201308 |
General Ayurveda |
16 |
Pragati Sparsh Ayurvedic Panchkarma Centre Pragati Resorts Proddatur Village, Shanker Palli Mandal Hyd. |
General Ayurveda, Ksharsutra & Shalya Karma |
17 |
Sarathy Ayurvedic Hospital, Elanjichodu Elookkara Munnathadam P.O Aluva Ernakulam Kerala. |
General Ayurveda |
18 |
Dr.Augustine’s Arya Vaidya Asramam Ayurveda Hospital, Thiruvanchikulam, kodungallur P.O, Trissur Distt, Kerala, Pin. 680664. |
General Ayurveda |
19 |
Ayurvaid Hospital, 230, Amarjyoti Layout off Intermediate Ring Road, Domlur Ext., Banglore, Pin-560071. |
General Ayurveda |
20 |
Vasudeva Vilasam Nursing Home Near Padma Theertham Fort TVM-695023. |
General Ayurveda |
21 |
Sitaram Ayurveda Speciality Hospital, Veliyannur Road, Thrissur Pin- 680021, Kerala. |
General Ayurveda |
The following Hospitals have been empanelled under CGHS/C.S.(M.A.) Rules for Yoga & naturopathy System from 03-07-2015
S.No |
Name and Address of the Hospital/Centers |
Recommended System |
1 |
Addlife Basavatarakam Indo-American Cancer Hospital And Research Institute 1 st Avenue Road No.14 Banjarahills, Hyderabad-500034 |
Yoga & Naturopathy |
2 |
Jaipur Ayurveda Hospital Village-Vatika Tehsil-Sanganer, Distte- Jaipur, Rajasthan
Yoga & Naturopathy |
3 |
Bapu Nature Cure Hospital & yogashram Gandhi Nidhi Mayur Vihar Ph-1 Patparganj Delhi-110091 |
Yoga & Naturopathy |
4 |
Kailash Institute Of Naturopathy Ayurveda & Yoga, 26 Knowledge Park-1 Greater Noida Gautam Budh Nagar Uttarprades-201308 |
Yoga & Naturopathy |
5 |
Vivekanand Hospital, Vivekanand pratisthan parishad, Vivekanand Hospital Khureji Delhi-51. |
Yoga & Naturopathy |
Rates prescribed for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy Treatments/Procedures in respect of the empanelled AYUSH Hospitals /Centers and will be effective from the date of issue of Office Memorandum No.Z.28015/01/2006-HD Cell/CGHS dated 03-07-2015.
Sl.No |
System of Medicine and Treatment/Procedure |
Unit cost in Rupees |
(A) |
1 |
Abhyanga (Sarvanga) |
200 |
2 |
Tail Shirodhara |
300 |
3 |
Takra/Dugdha Shiro Dhara |
150 |
4 |
Pizhichi 1 (Sarvang) |
350 |
5 |
Pizhichil (Ekang) |
250 |
6 |
Dhanyamla Dhara |
300 |
7 |
Nasya (Inclusive of Abhyanga & Svedana of Shira, Griva etc.) |
100 |
8 |
Shiro Vasti |
300 |
9 |
Kati Vasti |
150 |
10 |
Prishta Vasti |
150 |
11 |
Shiro Lepa |
100 |
12 |
Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda (Navarakizhi) |
350 |
13 |
Patra Potali Pinda Sweda |
200 |
14 |
Anna Lepa (Sarvang) |
300 |
15 |
Upanaha Sweda |
100 |
16 |
Avagaha Sweda (with Abhyanga) |
200 |
17 |
Kati Avagaha Sweda |
100 |
18 |
Sushka Sweda (Sarvanga) |
150 |
19 |
Sushka Sweda (Ekanga) |
100 |
20 |
Udvartana |
150 |
21 |
Sneha/Anuvasana Vasti (Inclusive of Abhyanga & Swedana) |
200 |
22 |
Kashaya/Niruha vasti (Inclusive of Abhyanga & swedana) |
150 |
23 |
Matra Vasti |
100 |
24 |
Uttara Vasti |
100 |
25 |
Yoga Vasti Package ( 5 Anuvasana and 3 Niruha Vasti) |
1250 |
26 |
Kala Vasti package ( 10 Anuvasana and 6 Niruha Vasti) |
2500 |
27 |
Karma vasti package ( 18 Anuvasana and 12 Niruha Vasti) |
5000 |
28 |
Vaitarana Vasti |
150 |
29 |
Ksheer Vasti |
150 |
30 |
Vashpa/Nadi Sweda (Sarvanga) |
150 |
31 |
Vashpa/Nadi Sweda (ekanga) |
100 |
32 |
Vamana Package (inclusive of Poorva Karma, Pradhan Karma and Paschat Karma) |
1000 |
33 |
Virechana package (inclusive of poorva karma, Pradhan karma and paschat karma) |
1000 |
34 |
Netra Trapana/Aschyotana |
100 |
35 |
Netra Putapaka |
100 |
36 |
Rakta Mokshana (siravedha & Abhyanga) |
150 |
37 |
Prachhana/Jaloka Avacharana |
100 |
38 |
Snehapana Package |
750 |
39 |
Ksharsutra application in Bhagandara (Initial) |
400 |
40 |
Follow up Ksharsutra application in Bhagandara |
250 |
41 |
Ksharsutra application in Parikartika (Anal Fissure) |
250 |
42 |
Ksharsutra application in piles |
250 |
43 |
Ksharsutra application in other conditions |
250 |
44 |
Agni Karma |
200 |
45 |
Kshar Karma |
150 |
46 |
34-day Pakshaghata treatment Package inclusive of Snehana for 7 days, Svedana for 3 Days, Virechana for 1 day, Vasti for 8 days, Nasya for 7 days and Shiro Vasti/Shiro Dhara for 8 days. |
5,650 |
47 |
28- day Pakshaghata treatment package inclusive of Shirodhara & Pizhichi 1 for 14 days and Pinda Sweda & Vasti for 14 days |
17,150 |
48 |
28- day Vata Rakta /Sandhi Roga Treatment package inclusive of Pizhichil for 14 days and Shastika Shali Pinda Sweda & Vasti for 14 days |
12,950 |
49 |
11- Day Shwasa Rog etc. treatment package inclusive of Snehana (Abhyanga & Sneha pana) for 7 days, Swedana for 3 days, Vamana/Virechana for 1 day. |
2,650 |
50 |
11- Day Vrikka Roga Treatment package inclusive of Snehapana for 7 days , Avagaha sweda for 3 days and Virechana for 1 day |
1,750 |
51 |
23- Day Sthoulya treatment package-1 Inclusive of Snehapana for 7 days, Vamana for 1 day, Virechana for 1 day, Takradhara/ Udvartana for 14 days. |
3,650 |
52 |
23- Day Sthoulya treatment package-11 Inclusive of Swedana with Udavartana for 14 days, Vamana/Virechana for 1 day and Vasti for 8 days |
6,550 |
53 |
19- day treatment package for Amlapitta/Parinaamshool/Yakrita-Pleehodara/other Udara Roga inclusive of Snehana for 7 days, Swedana for 3 days, Virechana for 1 day and Khseer vasti for 8 days |
2,950 |
54 |
23-day Manasa Roga ( Unmada/Apasmara/Anidra/Bhrama) treatment package inclusive of Snehana ( Bahya& Abhyantara) for 7 days, Svedana for 7 days, Vamana for 1 day, Virechana for 1 day and Shiro Vasti or Shiro dhara for 7 days |
5,750 |
B |
Yoga & Naturopathy |
1 |
One week package of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation Minimum one hour per day |
150 |
2 |
Two Weeks package of Asana, Pranayama and Meditation Minimum one hour per day |
250 |
3 |
Four Weeks package of Asana, pranayama and Meditation Minimum one hour per day |
400 |
4 |
Shatkarma procedures per week |
150 |
5 |
One week package of Nine Naturopathic treatment including special diet |
2100 |
6 |
Tow week package of Nine Nine Naturopathic treatment including special diet |
4000 |
7 |
Three week package of Nine Naturopathic treatment including special diet |
6000 |
8 |
Four week package of Nine Naturopathic treatment including special diet |
8000 |
9 |
Naturopathy Massage |
200 |
10 |
Physiotherapy applicable to Naturopathy |
100 |
11 |
Steam bath |
100 |
12 |
Whole body mud-bath |
150 |
13 |
Local Mud-pack/Application |
50 |
14 |
Plantain Leaf Bath |
50 |
15 |
Thermoleum bath |
50 |
16 |
Magneto therapy |
50 |
17 |
Special Yoga/Naturopathy diet |
75 |
Note: the room rent will be Rs.500/-, Rs.1000/- & Rs.1500/- for General Ward, Semiprivate Ward and Private Ward. It is clarified that indoor package rates for Yoga & Naturopathy are inclusive of room rent and diet as per entitlement of the beneficiary.
Director (CGHS)
Signed Copy Click here