CGHS facilities to the pensioners of Post and Telegraph Department
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi — 110 001
Dated: 18th December, 2019
All CPMsG/I’MsG.
Extension of CGHS facilities to the pensioners of Post and Telegraph Department.
I am directed to refer to this Directorate letter of even no. dated 22nd July, 2019 (copy enclosed) wherein a copy of O.M. No. S.11016/2/2015-CGHS(P)/EHS dated 19th July, 2017 of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare regarding extension of CGHS facilities to pensioners of Post & Telegraph, was forwarded to your offices for further necessary action.
2. It is requested that the O.M. No.S.11016/2/2015-CGHS(P)/EHS dated 19th July, 2017 and along with O.M. No.S.14025/23/2013-MS.EHSS dated 29.09.2016 of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare may be circulated widely to inform all pensioners about the CGHS facilities available to them regarding guidelines for reimbursement of medical claims to pensioners to avoid litigation from pensioners.
3. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide its OM No.S.14025/23/2013-MS.EHSS dated 29th September, 2016 has clarified that CS(MA) Rules 1944 are not applicable to pensioners till date. The Ministry has issued the following guidelines for medical facilities to Central Government pensioners:-
a) Pensioners residin2 in CGHS covered areas:
1) They can get themselves registered in CGHS dispensary after making requisite contribution and can avail both OPD and IPD facilities.
2) Pensioners residing in CGHS areas cannot opt out of CGHS and avail any other medical facility (i.e. Fixed Medical Allowance). Such pensioners, if they do not choose to avail CGHS facility by depositing the required contributions, cannot be granted fixed medical allowance in lieu of CGHS.
b) Pensioners residing In non- CGHS covered areas:
1) They can avail Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA @ Rs.500/- per month revised to Rs.1000/- from 01.07.2017).
2)They can also avail benefits of CGHS (OPD and IPD) by registering themselves in the nearest CGHS city after making the required subscription.
3) They also have the option to avail FMA for OPD treatment and CGHS for IPD treatments after making the required subscriptions as per CGHS guidelines.
3. All retired/retiring Officers/Staff of the Department of Posts may please be advised to adhere to the above provisions and subscribe to CGHS facility by depositing the required contributions for availing medical facilities after retirement.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
(M. S. Zou)
Assistant Director General (Medical)