Issue of OPD Medicines for CGHS beneficiaries going abroad
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011
Dated the 19th August, 2019
Subject: – Issue of OPD Medicines for CGHS beneficiaries going abroad
With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to Circular No 4-20/2003-C&P Section dated the 28th April , 2005 vide which guidelines were issued for supply of OPD Medicines for upto ‘6’ months to CGHS beneficiaries , who are going to stay abroad and to state that the matter has been reviewed by this Ministry and it is now decided in modification of the earlier guidelines that hereinafter, Chief Medical Officer I/C of concerned CGHS Wellness Centre is empowered for issue of OPD medicines for upto six months to the CGHS beneficiaries visiting abroad, subject to submission of the following documents:
(a) Copy of valid CGHS Card.
(b) Valid prescription for six months.
(c) Documentary Proof of going abroad like ticket, visa etc.
(Dr.Atul Prakash)
Director, CGHS
C.H.Ram says
75 years & above CGHS beneficiairires are permitted to to seek OPD services from a specialist doctor in any approved hospital .Once you consult a specialist he will recommend ivestigations like blood test .X_ Ray. etc again we have to seek referral from our medical officer .Istead of again approaching our wellness centre I suggest permit the beneficiary to under go tests without approaching our wellness centre to an extent of say Rs1000/1500 worth tests