Revamping of central government health scheme
Z 15025/78/2019/D1R/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 9th October, 2019
Subject: Revamping of Central Government Health Scheme – reg
With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state that Central Government Health Scheme(CGHS) provides Comprehensive health facilities primarily to Central Government employees and pensioners and their dependent family members. Government is committed to provide quality health care facilities through CGHS, With a view to further improve the services and make CGHS more beneficiary friendly, suggestions are invited from CGHS beneficiaries and other stake holders in this regard with reference to revamping CGHS including availing the services at CGHS empanelled hospitals and diagnostic centres. Kindly submit your comments by e-mail or by letters indicating the issue involved and your suggestions by 30.11.2019,
The suggestions may be sent by e-mail to or by post to Shri Rajeev Attri, Under Secretary, EHS Section, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare , Room 514-B, A-wing Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi – 110011.
(Rajeev Attri)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Signed Copy download
Daulat Beley , Founder Ge. secry. S.F. for CG Pensioners-cum-Senior Citizens. says
Daulat Beley, Founder Gen. Secretary, Social Forum for CG Pensioners-cum-senior Citizens, (Regd) Chandrapur(Mah)
At the time of revamping the CGHS the following points/suggestions may kindly be taken into consideration for early action.
1. The Senior Citizens/Pensioners above 75 yrs who are residing in Non-CGHS Area may be allowed to take comprehensive Cashless treatment through impaneled Hospitals in Non-CGHS Area. T
2. While revamping the CGHS , CGHS dispensary may be opened at all District places by giving priority of Pensioners/beneficiaries of that district.
3. What is the progress for opening of sanctioned CGHS WC at Chandrapur.(Mah)
H SALIM says
My CGHS number is 209 4444. Following are my suggestions.
The medical facilities provided by Swedish government maybe beneficial and healthier to the beneficiaries and more economical to the government in the long run. There it is not that easy to consult a doctor and get treatment. First we have to to meet a senior nurse who can be called a health assistant who will listen to all our details and suggest medicines I. If a doctor is required for consultation and examination then only the beneficiary will be referred to a doctor who will examine and prescribe medicines. Take the case of ‘Disha ‘in Kerala, where a medical assistant is listening to our ailments over phone and give directions and if required only we will be e allowed to talk to a doctor over phone and the doctor will give the directions. These are all done over phone and the patient can discuss his / her ailment either with the medical assistant or the doctor in a relaxed mood, ask questions repeatedly and get clarifications repeatedly if required. This will reduce the total time spend by the beneficiary and the medical attendant considerably as well as the cost. Alternatively a system can be introduced in CGHS where the beneficiary can first talk to the medical attendant over WhatsApp phone and if required the medical attendant can allow the patient to talk to the concerned doctor who can listen to his details and prescribe medicines if the patient doesn’t require actual physical examination. The patient can provide BP to the doctor as the BP equipment is isliye available nowadays and the operation is also very user friendly. We can have video talk also through WhatsApp. In Kerala, Kerala Police and kudumbasree units are there to help people and buying of medicines can be carried out with the help of them if there are nobody else to help them. In Kerala certain philanthropic Institutions are selling medicines at concessional rates.
Over a period of time this will reduce the cost of treatment make the patients more active directly and healthier.
Ravi Sankara Sarma Saripilli (SRS Sarma) says
S R S Sarma
Card N0;P 9301
As a senior citizen I submit the following points for consideration:-
1.Local Purchase Meidicines please be supplied next day of Indent instead after two days from indenting this will helpful to start using as per the advice of CMO.
2.In empanelled Hospitals for senior citizens any tests precribed by specialists shall have to be conducted without reference of CMO,s of wellness Centre.