Serving employee /Pensioners of Union Territories are not entitled to CGHS facilities
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate Genaral of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110011
No: Z 15025/58/2017/DIR/CGHS/Pt
Dated the 21st July, 2017
Subject: Serving employee /Pensioners of Union Territories are not entitled to CGHS facilities’
With reference to the above mentioned subject it has come to the notice that some CGHS cards were inadvertently issued to Pensioners of Union Territories in some cities, In this regard it is clarified that Serving employees/Pensioners of Union Territories are not entitled to CGHS facilities care must be taken to ensure that CGHS Cards are not issued to such individuals, in such cases, where CGHS cards were issued inadvertently the individuals concerned may be informed of the mistake and cancel such with a notice of one month’s grace period and the balance CGHS subscription for the remaining years may be returned to such individuals.
Director, CGHS