Submission of RME Claim in respect of GOs/NGOs/NIEs
Government of India, Ministry of Defence
Principal controller of Accounts (Ordnance Factories), Kolkata
10 A. S. K Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
Phone No.(033 )2248-8878/5077-5080
FAX No.(033)2248-0991
Date: 02/11/2015
Subject: Submission of RME Claim in respect of GOs/NGOs/NIEs:
It is observed that some medical re-imbursement claims are received in this office from all factories and allied establishment without complying guidelines of the Ministry of Health & Family welfare letter No. F No. 2-1/2012/CGHS/VC/CGHS (P) dated 01-10-2012 and dated 01-08-2013. This result in huge amount of anomalies while admitting of the RME claim by this office.
It is therefore requested to ensure strict compliance of the above Govt. orders and this office circular of even No. dated 13-07-2015 to avoid disallows and returning of RME bills, causing hardship to the claimants.
The above mention Govt. orders and circular are also available in the website of the P.C.of A(Fys), Kolkata.
Jt. C. of A (Fys) has seen.
Sr. Accounts Officer (Fys)
Signed copy: Click here