Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to Retired Defence Civilian Employees
Office of the principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
1,Cariappa Road, Cantt.,
Lucknow, Pin code – 226002
Office Phone No.0522-2451547
Office Fax No.0522-2451993
NoAN – 1-B/CSD/Canteen
dated 28-08-2015
Important Notice
Sub: Grant of CSD Canteen facilities to Retired Defence Civilian Employees
Government of India, Ministry of defence has decided to extend of CSD facilities to the retired defence civilian employees vide their office order F.No.8(14)/2015-D(mov) dated 31-07-2015 and same has been circulated vide No.AN/VII/7089/CSD/Corr dated 18-08-2015 of our HQrs Office.
The Matter has been taken up with CSD card issuing authority i.e Smart Chip Limited Lucknow, vide this Office No.even dated 24-08-2015. On receipt of direction/Procedure/requirement of evidences for the said card, then this office will collect the form from eligible retired persons for onward transmission to CSD card issuing authority. As per discussion it may take 4-5 weeks.
Further, up-dation on the matter will be uploaded on web site of this office.
GO (AN) has seen.
(Raj Kumar)
Senior Accounts Officer (Admin)
Canteen in Charge
Source: Original Order Click here