Nomination of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 19th April, 2018
Subject: Nomination of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2016 for Stenographers Grade ‘D’ Direct Recruits Foundation Training Programme at ISTM w.e.f. 23rd April, 2018 to 15th June, 2018 -reg.
In continuation of this Department’s OM of even number dated 17,04.2018 on the above mentioned subject, Ms. Shivangi and Shri Lokesh Kumar, Stenographers Grade ‘D’ of Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination, 2016 are also nominated to participate in the Stenographers Grade Direct Recruits Foundation Training Programme at ISTM w.e.f. 23rd April, 2018 to 15th June, 2018.
2. They should report to Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM), JNU (Old Campus), New Delhi at 9.00 AM on 23rd April, 2018 for mandatory Foundation Training. Failure to report for training may lead to cancellation of the candidature.
3. They should take the following,documents with them at the time of reporting for training:
I. Original Caste Certificate, PwD; in case of reserved category
II. Original educational certificates;
III. Certificate relating to the date of birth; age relaxation, if any.
4. The candidates who are already in Government service should take proper relieving orders from their present organizations /departments alongwi vigilance clearance.
(Chirabrata Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax: 24623157
e-mail- chirabrata.sarkat@nic,in