Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 26th SCOVA meeting held on 03.02.2015
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor,Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi -110003
Date: 08th Oct, 2015
All the Pensioners Associations included in SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 25.08.2015
Subject:-Action Taken Report (ATR) on the minutes of the 26th SCOVA meeting held on 03.02.2015-reg
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of Action Taken Report (ATR) on the decisions of the 26th meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 03rd February, 2015 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS (PP) in New Delhi for your kind perusal.
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
End: – as above
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare)
Sl.No |
Issues raised in the 26th SCOVA meeting |
Gist of Decision taken in the 26th SCOVA meeting |
Follow up Action |
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Sl.No 1 of ATR:-
Status of issue of revised PPOs to pre-2006 pensioners |
a) CPAO informed that 29,615 cases were pending for revision, despite several efforts, no further information was coming forth in respect of pre-1990 PPOs. They have approached banks and pensioners to obtain the missing information. CPAO was advised to hold meetings with individual Ministries and sort out cases issue wise so that solutions could be worked out and the pendency brought down to Zero. CPAO was also advised to discuss the issue with Ministry of Railways and Department of Defence who had shown remarkable progress and brought down the pendency to Nil.
b) One of the pensioners Association intimated that a number of cases were still pending in the Maharashtra circle post offices.
The Department of posts intimated that they would consider delegating authority of revision to sub-post offices. In case of Patiala Circle, date of birth of spouse is not indicated in the revised PPOs. In respect of the comments of other Pensioners Associations, they were requested to give specific case wherein revised authority has not been issued.
c) Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare informed that revised PPOs have been issued in most of the cases. This was refuted by the Defence Pensioner Association. Pensioners Associations were requested to give the list of the pending cases to the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, which will take the matter with CGDA. However, CGDA was asked to also reconfirm their figures.
d) The Ministry of Railways informed that only 5000 cases are pending where no records are available and revised PPOs could not be issued. However, the Pensioners Association informed that in Firozpur, Ambala and Delhi revised PPOs in some cases have not been issued. Ministry of Railways was therefore asked to reconfirm their figures of revised PPOs.
e) Department of Telecommunications informed that as on date 867 cases are pending and out of which 665 cases pertain to BSNL. Necessary action to revise these are being taken.
(Action: D/o of Telecom)
Jt. Secretary (P) requested all the Ministries/Departments to issue revised authorities for all pending cases before the next SCOVA meeting so that this item could be closed finally. |
CPAO Status of revised PPOs in respect of pre-2006 as on 23.09.2015 is as under:-
Out of unrevised cases 3,065 cases pertain to family pensioners, meetings were being conducted by CPAO regularly with PAOs to Ministries/Departments to finalise these cases. The problems were discussed in detail and solutions were given to them for early finalization of remaining cases.
Department of Posts
Status of revised PPOs as on 03.09.2015 is an under:-
In respect of Maharashtra circle, out of 8000 cases, only 545 cases are pending for revision. Efforts are being made to clear these cases at the earliest.
O/o DA(P), Kapurthala has comfirmed that the date of birth of spouse in now being noted in the PPOs. For inclusion of date of birth in old PPOs, requisite information is being collected and will be included in PPOs and record.
Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare:-
Revised authorities in all 16.71 lakhs cases of pre-2006 retirees have been issued. Hence, no pendency rest at this end.
Ministry of Railways
Status of revision of PPOs as on 04.08.2015 is as under:-
The remaining cases are of hard core nature, for which neither the pensioners have applied for revision nor there is any debit in debit scrolls being received from pension disbursing authorities.
Regarding pendency of cases relating to Northern Railway, the matter was taken up with them.
Department of Telecom
The status of revised PPOs of Pre-2006 pensioners as on 15.07.2015 is an under:-
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Sl.No 3 of ATR:
Health insurance scheme for pensioners including those residing at non-CGHS areas. |
The Ministry of Health and family welfare intimated that the EFC Memo has been recast and has been sent to IFD for approval. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was advised to expedite a decision in this respect.
One of the pensioner association requested that the prosthesis issues to the orthopedically disabled may also be considered for insurance for easy replacement/repairs thus saving expense.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
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Sl.No 5 of ATR:
Special Family pension for the Widows of Disabled War veterans. |
The Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare informed that the matter is being reconsidered by CGDA. One of the Pensioners Associations clarified that this issue is only for the war disabled veterans invalided out of service who are very few in number and deserved empathetic consideration. To hasten the process DoPPW may take up matter with the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri,
(Action: Ministry of Defence) |
Department of Ex-servicemen welfare
The matter has been under reconsideration. Service Headquarters have been requested to furnish information in regard to number of widows of war disabled who are getting ordinary Family pension and financial implication in case enhanced family pension is granted to them. Only Air Headquarter has provided the requisite information. Army Headquarters have shown their inability to furnish the date being not available with them. The matter is being taken up with PCDA(P) Allahabad in order to have the data. Naval Headquarters have also not furnished the requisite information so far. |
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Sl.No 6 of ATR:-
a) Arbitrary orders dated 01-08-1996 and 01-09-1996 issued by Ministry of Health and Director of CGHS may be withdrawn and the benefit of CGHS facilities be allowed to the pensioners of Department of Post and Department of Telecom.
(b) Medical facilities for existing P&T pensioners. |
The Ministry of Health and Family welfare intimated that various issues including the issue relating to extension of CGHS facility to P&T pensioners is likely to be considered in a meeting of the committee of Secretaries to be held shortly. As regards, the orders dtd 01.08.1996 and 01.06.1996, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the matter was still sub-judice.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
The matter is under consideration and the same has been forwarded for approval of Department of Expenditure. |
5. |
Sl.No.7 of ATR:- |
It was informed that since the last SCOVA meeting. Two meetings were held with the officials of Department of Telecom on 29.09.2014 and 30.12.2014 and Department of Telecom was advised to expedite the details/Reply sought in DoPPW’s ID Note dta 28.02.2014. Department of Telecom informed that the BSNL is collecting the requisite information sought by DoPPW from corporate offices of BSNL/MTNL. Department of Telecom was advised to send a reply to DoPPW within a fortnight.
(Action: D/o Telecom & DoPPW) |
The proposal was sent by DOT to DOP&PW on24.04.2015 and the advice of this Department was sent to DOT on 26.06.2015 for taking further action. Requested DOT, for the present status of the proposal on 15.07.2015, Another reminder was sent on 01.09.2015.
Department of Telecom In connection with calculating average emoluments for the last 10 months before retirement, Finance Branch(DO) and DoP&Pw suggested different methods. Accordingly, the case was referred to Department of Expenditure with the request to advise that which of the proposal for calculating the average emolument is to be adopted. In response, Department of Expenditure, vide its ID Note dated 17.09.2015 has sought some clarification/information which are being obtained from concerned offices viz. DoPPW, Accounts Branch (DoT) and concerned Unions/Associations etc. |
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Sl.No.8 of ATR:- Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to the absorbed BSNK pensioners. |
It was informed that the proposal has been approved by Department of Expenditure. In principle. Department of Telecom informed that as per the advice of the Department of Expenditure a Cabinet Note has been prepared and sent to their IFD for approval. Department of Telecom was advised to finalize the draft cabinet nore and circulate it to the concerned Ministries by the end of February, 2015.
(Action: D/o Telecom & D/o Expenditure) |
Department of Expenditure
Department of Expenditure on 28.07.2015 informed that the Draft Cabinet Note prepared by Department of Telecommunication is under examination.
Department of Telecom Department of Telecom on 30.09.2015 informed that with the approval of Moc & It, draft cabinet Note was sent for inter-ministerial consultation. The comments/views from concerned Ministries/Departments have been received. However, several queries have been raised by Department of Expenditure and the information/inputs on same are being collected for furnishing the same to Department of Expenditure.
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Sl.No.9 of ATR:- Extension of benefit of upgraded Grade pay to pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grade. |
D/o Expenditure had earlier observed that the benefit to grade pay of the 4600/- could not be extended to those who retired from the S-12 pay scale before 01.01.2006 as it was an upgrade scale. However, the Department of Expenditure has since sought to re-examine the issue has been forwarded by DoPPW to D/o Expenditure for reconsideration on 22.01.2015, D/o Expenditure was advised to expedite a decision in this regard. (Action: Department of Expenditure) |
DoPPW and Department of Expenditure
The relevant file was sent to Department of Expenditure for reconsideration on 22.01.2015. Department of Expenditure has been requested on 05.06.2015 and 19.08.2015 to return the file with comments in the matter. The file is pending with Department of Expenditure. |
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S.No.10 of ATR:- Extension of benefit of Om dt. 28.1.2013 w.e.f. 1.1.2006 instead of 24.9.2012 |
It was informed that the matter is sub-judice and the next date of hearing in the SLP No.36148-50/2013 in the Hon’ble Supreme court was fixed for 17.02.2015. |
In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme court’s order dated 17.03.2015, this Department has issued orders vide OM No 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 30.07.2015 in regard to payment of arrears of increased pension from 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012 to eligible pre-2006 pensioners. Steps are being taken for making payment of arrears of pension to pre-2006 pensioners. |
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S.No.11 of ATR:-
Stepping up of Disability Element on the basis of Fitment Tables. |
D/o Ex-servicemen welfare intimated that the matter is pending with CGDA. They were advised to meet the CGDA personally to expedite the case in one month.
(Action: D/o Ex-Servicemen Welfare) |
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare: In this regard Government’s letter dated 10.04.2015 has been issued.
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S.No.13 of ATR:-
Extension Counter of CGHS wellness centre at Srinagar and upgradation of facilities at CGHS Wellness centre at Jammu including Construction of CGHS Hospital on the plot of land allotted by J&K govt. at Jammu.
Various issues concerning CGHS including the above issue, were discussed by JS(P), DoPPW in a meeting with As& DG (CGHS). Various suggestions for providing a centre at Srinagar had been considered in the meeting Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that while there were huge resource constraints, overall CGHS reforms were being looked into by the committee of Secretaries (COS).
Regarding upgradation of CGHS wellness centre at Jammu, it was informed that computers had been procured and supplied. Funds have been released and the procurement of other equipment was being processed. The work is expected to be completed shortly.
Regarding posting of an additional doctor at the CGHS Wellness Centre at Jammu, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was advised to explore the possibility of taking the services of doctor from the State Govt. on deputation.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
Ministry of health and family welfare
Ø The request for opening of dispensary in Srinagar has been regretted as the CGHS resources are fully committed as of now. Ø Regarding computerization of wellness centre at Jammu the payment has been made to BSNL for installing 4 Mbps lease line and approval has been conveyed to start CGHS application in Jammu using their existing broad band connectivity. Ø There are already 2 doctors posted at CGHS wellness centre, one on deputation from J&K Health Department and other is retiree from J&K Health Department. |
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S.No.15 of ATR:
Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees issue of follow up order by the Ministry of Health and family welfare & fixation of rates of contribution & ward entitlement by DoT. |
Department of Telecom informed that since the pay structure in BSNL and Central Govt was different, the orders of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare regarding ward entitlement on the basis of pay band/grade pay could not be made applicable in the case of BSNL retirees. Ministry of Telecom to suggest alternate mechanism for the retirees of BSNL. Department of Telecom was advised to send a proposal to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in this regard in a month’s time.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Telecom) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare:
Instructions are already in place as per Ministry of Health and Family welfare OM No.H.11013/02/2006-CGHs(P) dated 17.02.2011 vide which only those central Government employees who had proceeded to statutory Bodies/Autonomous Bodies (SB/AB) of Central government either on deputation initially and then got absorbed in SB/AB or proceeded to SB/AB on absorbed basis may be extended CGHS facilities on their retirement, subject to the condition that they are in receipt of Central Civil pension and their contributions towards CGHS will be decided by the Grade pay that they would have now drawn in the government in the post held by them but for their absorption in SB/AB.
Department of Telecom
Inputs were received from MTNL and BSNL on 13.08.2015 and 27.08.2015 respectively, and the same are being examined and a proposal in this regard is being submitted for approval of competent authority to take up the case further with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. |
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Sl.No. (26.1):-
Simultaneous issue of orders for the release of Dearness Allowance |
Department of Expenditure intimated that although they do not propose to issue common order both for DA and DR. the proposal could be considered and a copy of the approved Cabinet Note may be forwarded to enable the DoPPW to issue orders at an early date. No separate approval of Ministry of Finance would be required thereafter for issue of DR orders.
(Action: D/o Expenditure and DoPPW) |
Department of Expenditure and DoPPW
Copy of decision of the Cabinet along with cabinet note would be made available to DoPPW as soon as it is made available by cabinet secretariat and no separate approval of Ministry of Finance would be required for issue of DR orders. |
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Co-authorization of Family Pension of Permanently disabled children/dependent parents and permanently disabled siblings. |
The Ministry of Defence were asked to proactively take up the issue and finalise the case within a week.
(Action: Ministry of Defence) |
Ministry Of Defence: In this regard, Government’s letter dated 15.5.2015 has been issued. |
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Non-adherence of extent rules with regard to submission of life certificate. |
Regarding complaints in respect of submission of life certificate. SCOVA members were requested to give specific cases. CPAO was advised to give wide publicity to their Toll Free number so that the complaints could be lodged.
(Action: Department of Financial Services and CPAO) |
Department of Financial Services
Indian Bank Association (IBA) have issued instructions vide letter dated 24.11.2014 to all public sector banks for sensitizing all disbursement/payment branches towards problems being faces by pensioners. Family pensioners.
RBI vide letter dated 09.12.2014 has issued instructions to all agency Banks regarding introduction of digital Life certificate for pensioners Similarly, CPAO vide letter dated 30.01.2015 has also issued instructions to all centralized pension processing centres (CPPCs) of authorized banks regarding exemption from physical appearance for purpose of life certificate. |
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Sl.No. (26.4):- Provision of CGHS facility for life time to dependent disabled/mentally retarded children of Central Government employees/Pensioners. |
Ministry of Health was advised to examine the suggestion for extension of CGHS facilities to married disabled/mentally retarded daughter on the analogy of continuation of family pension to children even after marriage. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare intimated that they will examine the issue.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare:-
As per Om no 4-24/96-C79/CGHS(P) dated 31.05.2007, daughters of the Government servant are eligible for CGHS facility till she starts earning or gets married, irrespective of the age limit, whichever is earlier, Depandent divorced/abandoned or separated from their husband/widowed daughters and dependent unmarried/divorced/abandoned or separated from their husband/widowed sisters irrespective of age limit are also eligible for CGHS facility.
A daughter once she gets married is related to the husband and can no more be treated as dependent on the principal beneficiary as before, therefore, dependency defined for son and daughter cannot be compared to each other. |
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