Inviting bids for selection of an Agency for print creative work of Advertisement on All India Pension Adalat
Government of India
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd, floor Loknayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated:- 29th August, 2018
Inviting bids for selection of an Agency for print creative work of Advertisement on All India Pension Adalat
1. A quarter page Advertisement containing major pension reforms and holding of all India Pension Adalat is to be published in leading newspapers . The Advertisement will contain graphics, photographs, reforms, etc. The content of Advertisement will be provided to the selected agency by this Ministry. The Advertisement is to be published within 7 days from the work order.
2. Bids are invited from the agencies empanelled with Bureau of Outreach & Communication (BoC)- (erstwhile known as DAVP- Directorate of Advertising and Visual publicity) for executing the work of print creative, designing etc. of the Advertisement .The empanelment would be considered on the basis of the list of agencies as available on BoC website on last date of acceptance of application by DOPPW i.e. 4.9.2018. It may be noted that this is not a bid seeking the price quote. The agencies will be required to execute the work as per the BoC rates and BoC guidelines.
3. Interested agencies may submit a concept paper containing the design of the advertisement to this latest by 12 Noon on 04.09.2018 in closed envelop to the Manoj Kumar, Under Secretary DOPPW H-9 , 3rd floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan , New Delhi. Offers received after the said date time would not be considered
4. Selection of an agency will be made on the basis of their experience in this regard, quality of concept paper etc.
5. The concept paper is only to assess the capabilities of the agency/vendor. Further, DOPPW reserves tho right not to consider any agency without assigning any reason.
(Seema Gupta)
Tel.: 24624802