Consolidated Instructions on Risk Allowance to Central Government Employees
No. A-27018/02/2022-Estt.(AL)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated 02.09.2022
Subject: Consolidated instructions on Risk Allowance to Central Government employees.
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the 7th Central Pay Commission on the subject of Risk Allowance and with the approval of D/o Expenditure, the rates of Risk Allowance were revised vide this Department O.M. No.- A-27018/01/201 7-Estt.(AL) dated 03.11.2020. Risk Allowance with revised rates has been payable from the date of issue of above mentioned OM with all other conditions envisaged in the OM No. 21012/4/88-Allowances dated 22.08.1988. However, for the purpose of ease of access, it has been decided to issue consolidated instructions on the subject of Risk Allowance to Central Government employees.
2. Risk Allowance is presently given to Central Government employees engaged in hazardous duties or whose work will have a deleterious effect on health over a period of time.
i. For determining the categories of staff exposed to risk in employment the following criteria may be adopted:-
those engaged in duties involving greater hazards or whose health is liable to be adversely affected progressively over a long period of time because of the particular avocation, and
Sweepers/Safaiwalas engaged in cleaning of underground drains, sewer lines, those working in trenching grounds and Infectious Diseases Hospitals.
ii. The existing categories of Government servants who are in receipt of Risk Allowances may continue to get the same, at revised rates (w.e.f. 03.11.2020) as under:-
Sl. No. | Categories of employees | Revised Rates in Rupees per Month |
1 | Unskilled workers | 90 |
2 | Semi-skilled workers | 135 |
3 | Skilled workers | 180 |
4 | Supervisors | 225 |
5 | Non-gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine preparation | 405 |
6 | Gazetted officers engaged in Nitro Glycerine | 675 |
7 | Danger Building Officers | 900 |
iii. Where a category of Government servants in a Department is in receipt of Risk Allowance, similar categories of Government servants in other Ministries/ Departments shall also be considered for grant of Risk Allowance under similar conditions, e.g. Safaiwalas/Sanitary Cleaners working in underground drains, sewer lines, infectious diseases hospitals etc.
iv. The Risk Allowance will not be treated as “Pay” for any purpose.
3. Proposal for inclusion of any new category fulfilling the criteria as indicated above may be processed by the concerned Ministries in consultation with their Associate Finance and the Department of Personnel & Training. Further in identifying such categories, Staff Side of the Departmental Council (JCM) may also be consulted.
4. It has also been decided that Ministries/Departments may work out suitable welfare schemes for periodical medical check-up of the staff exposed to risk in their job to ensure their good health.
(Sunil Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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