Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for functioning of Training Institutes of the Central and State/UT Governments w.e.f. 15th July, 2020
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Old JNU Campus New Delhi
Dated the 3rd July, 2020
Sub: Containment of Covid-19 – Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for functioning of Training Institutes of the Central and State/UT Governments w.e.f. 15th July, 2020 – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order No.40- 3/2020-DM-1(A) dated 29th June, 2020 vide which guidelines for Phased Reopening (Unlock 2), outside Containment Zones, as part of measures for containment of Covid¬19 have been issued. As per these guidelines, Training Institutes of Central and State Governments will be allowed to function w.e.f. 15th July, 2020 in accordance with the SOP to be issued by DoP&T.
2. Accordingly, the SOP finalized in consultation with the Central Training Institutes is at Annexure.
Encl: As above.
(A.N. Narayanan)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Sub: Reopening of Training Institutions of Central/State Governments – Framing of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – reg.
Ref: Guidelines on Unlock 2 annexed to Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order dated 29.06.2020
The Central and State Training Institutes shall observe the procedure outlined below and ensure that all the necessary steps are taken to avoid spread of Covid-19 while carrying out their activities with effect from 15.07.2020:
I. General Guidelines
As far as possible training programs should be conducted in digital/online/virtual mode. Where it is necessary to conduct training in physical mode, the duration of the training program should be reviewed carefully to make it more compact by separating the training curriculum into digital and physical mode.
Observance of all social distancing, wearing of masks and other COVID related protocols, as prescribed by Central and State / District Health authorities from time to time should be ensured by the Training Institute.
All Class rooms, Staff Rooms, offices, hostels, Corridors, Lobbies, Common areas and washrooms etc. should be thoroughly cleaned/sanitised as per procedure prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
With a view to ensure safety, on best effort basis, the Training Institutes should ensure that the Arogya Setu app is downloaded and installed by all trainees/other staff and faculty having compatible phones.
Training Institutes should notify Nodal Officers for COVID related administrative responsibilities and also constitute Committees with clear demarcation of roles especially for COVID related matters.
All the trainees and personnel of the Training Institutes should be encouraged to proactively disclose their health status including fever/cough/sore throat/influenza like symptoms, to the Institute medical authorities.
A functional medical clinic/centre with the presence of qualified doctor(s) and nursing staff may be made available in each Training Institute with a protocol in place for treating of staff/faculty/trainees with flu like symptoms. SOPs should be developed in consultation with local Public Health Authorities to ensure quick response for testing and isolation/quarantine of symptomatic patients etc.
Separate quarantine/Isolation facility for COVID 19 positive I suspect cases should be created, in consultation with local Public Health Authorities, by the Training Institutes.
Liaising should be established with local laboratories / hospitals/Ambulance services and District Health Authorities for providing prompt Covid 19 testing / treatment facilities.
Entry of visitors to training institute should be restricted, Such visitors, if permitted, should be allowed only after proper screening as per the prescribed protocols. Thermal scanner should be installed at the entry points.
Entry and exit to Training Institutions may be regulated to ensure that no outside visitors are allowed to enter; staff, employees (including contract employees, vendors and vehicles who I which are deployed for material procurement and logistical duties maybe sanitized, screened, and thermally scanned before each entry into the Training Institutions as appropriate.
Touch-free hand liquid hand sanitizers should be placed at the entry and all prominent places in the Institute such as reception, conference rooms, lecture halls etc. and every person-faculty member/staff member/visitor/trainee¬entering the premises should sanitize their hands before entering the enclosed spaces.
All the vendors, suppliers, housekeeping staff, workers etc. should preferably be accommodated in staff quarters to the extent feasible. Where it is difficult to accommodate all of such staff, they should be carefully screened before permitting entry into the campus and should not be deputed for duty in proximity to officer trainees.
Certain categories of people with co-morbid conditions are at high risk as identified by the MoHFW. It will be desirable for such trainees to attend courses online from their place of current posting /ATI. Such High-Risk individuals could include:
i. Pregnant women, lactating mothers
ii. People with the following medical conditions
1. Severe Asthma or chronic lung disease
2. High BP.
3. People with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
4. Serious heart condition
5. Any other medical condition that has potential high risk in the COVID environment in the opinion of a medical expert.
6. Any other category / symptom as notified.
The Training Institutes can consider methods of determining the fitness of trainees, before joining, depending on local conditions. They could consider for e.g. obtaining an online declaration from all the trainee officers that they are not at ‘higher risk’ in terms of instructions of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, or in terms of status available on Aarogya Setu App etc
II. Arrival of trainee officers in Training Institutes
As far as possible, Training Institutes should arrange for transportation of trainees from the Airport / the Railway Station to avoid the exposure to trainee officers in unidentified public transport.
The Training Institutes should check the status of trainee officers on Arogya Setu App upon their arrival in the Institute.
On arrival in the Training Institute, the Institute will ensure compliance with the quarantine requirement as per the concerned State Government guidelines.
The rooms allotted to the trainees can serve as place for their quarantine.
Basic screening of trainees should be done on their arrival at the designated locations and only then be allowed to proceed to their allotted rooms in secured and sanitised hostels.
Separate hostel room should be allotted to each trainee to the extent possible. In no case, more than 2 trainees should be accommodated in one room. Training programmes should be so staggered so that all trainees have sufficient space in the hostel and there is no overcrowding.
It should be ensured that minimal numbers of trainees are accommodated in dormitories. Special emphasis should be placed on frequent sanitisation of such common washrooms/facilities/rooms.
Movement of trainees within the campus should be restricted and it should be ensured that trainees stay in their allotted rooms and avoid common areas such as lounges etc.
The trainees may be encouraged to take up self-cleaning of their rooms/use washing machines / laundromats so as to avoid contact with others.
Trainees should always maintain strict and complete isolation during the quarantine period. The food and other essentials should be provided in the hostel room of the trainee during this period.
It should be ensured that nobody is allowed to visit the trainees in quarantine.
Training Institutes should provide thermometers to trainees in quarantine to regularly check their temperature levels. Tele-consultation with medical staff can be arranged, if possible, by the medical Institute.
In case, any trainee develops flu like symptoms or is tested positive for COVID19, he / she should be immediately shifted to a separate quarantine facility / designated hospital in terms of the protocols issued by the local health authorities.
All the trainees should be asked to maintain a note of their contacts on a daily basis from the date of their arrival in the Institute.
There will be no outdoor physical activities during the quarantine period.
III. Classroom Sessions
During the period of quarantine of trainees, the classes should be conducted online and the trainees will access online classes from their respective hostel rooms.
After the period of quarantine is over, the trainees can attend the classroom while maintaining social distancing, using face masks and other safety measures as prescribed.
Sufficient ventilation should be ensured in the lecture halls/classrooms. Air Conditioners should be sanitized / cleaned as per prescribed guidelines. There should be sufficient time gaps between the consecutive sessions. Lengthy class room sessions should be avoided.
Reading Materials and case studies etc. should be made available in advance to the trainees so as to reduce the classroom session time.
Tea/coffee and water etc. should be served in disposable cups/glasses. as far as possible.
Basic screening including temperature scan may be carried out daily for all the officer Trainees attending classes. Trainees found to have temperature above the normal range (that could be because of any kind of flu) may self-isolate themselves till such time the COVID 19 infection is ruled out.
Group exercises or group meetings may be encouraged to be held in online/virtual format only
IV. Physical activities and Outdoors
All the indoor facilities for physical exercise like Gym, swimming pool etc. should remain closed and should be operated as per the directions of the Central/State Government. The trainees may be encouraged to do Yoga in the room while maintaining social distancing.
Decision on limited physical activities inside the campus especially during morning while following protocols may be taken by the Institution depending upon the availability of space, based on the guidelines from the Central / State Government.
Social /cultural events or gathering or functions should be avoided during the training period.
Outstation visits may be undertaken only after assessing the COVID 19 situation and travel related restrictions
V. Mess and Dining:
Meal timings may be staggered appropriately with adequate intervals. A suitable time table may be disseminated to all concerned with a view to minimize the time spent in the mess/dining hall with other trainee officers.
Mess supervisors should ensure that all trainees and mess staff wash hands properly before entry into mess/kitchen. Touchless hand sanitizers may be installed outside the mess/dining halls.
Sufficient distance should be observed by all while inside the mess/dining hall. Seating should be so organized that the trainees do not face each other while having their meals.
Sharing of utensils-dishes, cups, soaps, towels etc. should not be allowed
VI. General
The officer trainees may be discouraged to go out of the campus or stay outside the campus unless it is essential to do so. Such visits should exceptional and made with the prior approval of the Director of the Institute.
Efforts may be made to make available all the essential items such as stationery, snacks, toiletries, eatables, tea/coffee etc. within the campus.
Immunity boosting products as recommended by the Medical Authorities and M/o AYUSH should be encouraged for use.
Use of lifts should be discouraged. In case of using lift, the relevant etiquettes for social distancing should be strictly followed.
In case a trainee tests positive, disinfection/sanitization/closing of the area/Institution may be done as per protocols of Central and State / District Health authorities.