Transfer on deputation /foreign service of members of All India Services/members of Organised Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Services of Central Government
The Government of India’s Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, through an Office Memorandum (No. 2/2/2023-Pers.Pol. Pt.15), issued by the Department of Personnel & Training’s Pers. Policy-Pay (Deputation/Re-employment) Section, addresses the subject of transferring members of the All India Services and members of Organised Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Services of the Central Government on deputation or foreign service.
No. 2/2/2023-Pers.Pol. (Pt.15)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel! & Training
Pers. Policy-Pay (Deputation/Re-employment) Section
North Block,
New Delhi, the 8th August, 2023
Subject: Transfer on deputation /foreign service of members of All India Services/members of Organised Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’ Services of Central Government.
The undersigned Is directed to invite reference to Department of Personnel & Trainings OM No. 14017/02/2022-AlS-|II(Pension) dated 17.08.2022 on the subject mentioned above.
2. With a view to do away with the unhealthy practice engaging officers of All India Services and Central Government Group ‘A’ an Group ‘B’ Services on ‘loan/bilateral arrangement’ basis, the following decisions were conveyed for strict compliance by all Cadre Controlling Authorities —
i. No appointment shall be made on loan basis or bilateral arrangements or any other informal basis forthwith:
ii. For any appointment without ‘No Objection’ from respective Cadre Controlling Authorities, the officer concerned shall also be liable to disciplinary action under relevant rules: and
iii. The existing appointments on loan basis or bilateral arrangements or any other informal basis in violation of existing guidelines / instructions / rules shall be terminated and officers so appointed shall be repatriated to the parent Cadre/ Organisation with immediate effect.
3. Proposals received from Ministries/Departments subsequent to issue of the above instructions seeking concurrence of DoPT to the continuance of the services of Central Governments officers (other than AIS officers) on loan basis were not agreed to and the Ministry / Department / Organisation (MDO) concerned was advised to engage the services of the officers concerned in accordance with the approved modes of Induction such as deputation.
4. However, instances have come to the knowledge of this Department where the practice of engaging officers on loan/bilateral arrangement’ basis by MDOs continue in spite of Unambiguous instructions from this Department to do away with such arrangement. As already observed, such arrangements are not supported by any instructions/ guidelines. They not only cause severe hindrances in effective cadre management but also create administrative issues such as liability towards pay and allowances, recording Performance Appraisal Reports of officers engaged on informal
5. It is once again impressed upon all Ministries/Departments/Organisations to ensure strict adherence to the instructions issued vide this Department’s OM No.14017/02/2022-AlS-!I(Pension) dated 17.08.2022. Further, Ministries/Departments are requested to immediately submit a compliance report to this Department confirming non-existence of personnel engaged on informal / loan basis in the Ministry/Department or organisations under their administrative control as per the instructions issued in this regard.
Murali Bhavaraju
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