Spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – DOPT Instruction/ Guidelines
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block New Delhi
Dated the 19th April, 2021
Subject: Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Attendance of Central Government officials-regarding
In view of the unprecedented rise in the numbers of Covid-19 cases, and to take measures to prevent its spread, the following instructions / guidelines are issued for strict compliance by all Ministries/Departments/Offices of the Central Government : –
a. Physical attendance of the officers of the level of Under Secretary or equivalent and below to be restricted to 50% of the actual strength. Secretary/HOD may regulate the attendance of officials and may, on administrative grounds, direct more officials to attend office. A roster may be prepared accordingly.
b. All officers of the level of Deputy Secretary, equivalent and above are to attend office on regular basis.
c. The officers / staff shall follow staggered timings, to avoid over-crowding in offices, as indicated below:
• 9.00 A.M. to 5.30. P.M.
• 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM
• 10.00 A.M. to 6.30 P.M.
d. All officials who do not attend office on a particular day are to make themselves available on Telephone and other electronic means of communication at all times from their residence and work from home.
e. All officials residing in containment zones shall continue to be exempted from coming to office till the containment zone is de-notified.
f. Persons with Disabilities and Pregnant women employees may be exempted from attending office, but they shall continue to work from home, until further orders.
g. All officials who attend office shall strictly follow Covid-appropriate behavior including wearing of mask, physical distancing, use of sanitizer and frequent hand washing with soap and water.
h. Crowding in lifts, staircases, corridors, common areas including refreshment kiosk and parking areas is to be strictly avoided.
i. Meeting, as far as possible, to be conducted through video-conferencing.
j. Entry of outsiders/visitors to be curtailed appropriately.
k. In compliance of OM of even number dated 6.4.2021, all employees of the age of 45 years and above are advised to get themselves vaccinated.
l. Proper cleaning and frequent sanitization of workplace, particularly of the frequently touched surfaces may be ensured.
2. All Ministries/ Departments/ Offices as well as the Central Government employees are to ensure strict compliance of instructions on Covid-appropriate behavior issued by MHA, MoH&FW and DoP&T from time to time. Bio-metric attendance shall continue to be suspended and physical attendance registers to be maintained until further orders.
3. The above instructions/ guidelines shall come into effect immediately and will remain in force until 30.04.2021 or further orders, whichever is earlier.
(Sujata Chaturvedi)
Additional Secretary to Govt. of India
Tel: 2309 4276
Harish M Disale says
first close adhar section in sub offices……..