Enhancing Efficiency and Transparency in Decision Making: DoPT’s Call for E-Office Usage
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions
D.O. No. I-28029/30/2021-Coord
22nd March, 2023
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please refer to my D.O. letter of even number dated 12 September, 2022 (copy enclosed) for transmitting your references to DoPT in digital form with a view to bring efficiency, speed & transparency in decision making. I am happy to inform you that large number of Ministries/Departments are now sending their references to DoPT through e-office, which makes it easy to trace, track and dispose the matter in time.
2. However, it has been noted that references/cases from the Ministries etc are being sent to different officers, in the department, making it difficult to monitor the total pendency in different divisions. With a view to further enable us to monitor closely the status of references received in the Ministry, I suggest that all your departmental references be sent through e-office from your office to my office so that each of the reference gets the due attention that it deserves and senior officers of the Department can act proactively in important & time bound cases.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(S Radha Chauhan)