Indian Government Issues Guidelines for Ex-India Study Leave of IAS Officers

The Indian Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions has issued an Office Memorandum to all State Governments regarding the process of granting approval for ex-India Study Leave by the State Cadre in respect of IAS officers. The memorandum emphasizes the need for a holistic assessment of the impact of such long study leaves on overall cadre management at both state and central government levels before informed decisions are taken. The memorandum includes guidelines for state governments to follow when recommending proposals for ex-India Study Leave.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 16 January, 2023
The Chief Secretaries of all States Governments;
Subject:- Rationalizing the process of granting approval of Central Government for sanctioning ex-India Study Leave by the State Cadre in respect of IAS officers in terms of Regulation 3(3) of AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960.
Sir / Ma’am,
I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to state that the Central Government examines the proposal of ex-India Study Leave of IAS officers in terms of Regulation 3(3) of AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960.
- In this context, it is felt necessary that a holistic appreciation of impact of such long study leave on the overall cadre management both at the State as well as the Central Government level is needed before a well informed decision is taken both by the State while recommending and for DoPT to provide its approval.
- With this objective, it is felt necessary that while recommending ex- India Study leave in respect of IAS officers, the requests of study leave/ex-India Leave/Extension to study leave may be considered in the light of availability of sufficient number of IAS officers in the Cadre and for Central Deputation against the prescribed norms of CDR (which is 40% of SDP). This would ensure that the functioning of the State Governments as well as Central Government is not affected due to shortage of officers.
- Accordingly, it is requested that while recommending the proposals of ex-India Study Leave, the State Governments should submit the following along-with the Study Leave proposal:
- (a) the details of officers sponsored for Central Deputation during the previous year and the current year against the prescribed norms of Central Deputation Reserve (CDR) @ 40% of Senior Duty Posts (SDPs);
- (b) the details of IAS officers who are on Study leave within India and outside India vis-à-vis Leave Reserve;
- (c) the details of IAS officers who have returned from the Study leave during the last two years and the posting(s) given to them according to the practical knowledge and experience acquired during Study Leave.
- This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Sign of Authority)
Ram Lakhan
Under Secretary