Periodic Review of Central Government Employees for strengthening of administration under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(1)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment A-IV Desk
North Block, New Delhi-1
Dated : 5th August, 2020
Subject: Periodic Review of Central Government Employees for strengthening of administration under Fundamental Rule (FR) 56(j)/(1) and Rule 48 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 : Revised composition of Representation Committee regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to DoP&T’s OM of even number dated 27th August, 2019 on the above mentioned subject and to convey the decision of the Competent Authority to re-constitute the Representation Committee as under :-
(i) Ms. Leena Nandan, Secretary, D/o Consumer Affairs in lieu of Dr.(Ms.) Preeti Sudan, ex- Secretary, M/o Health and Family Welfare;
(ii) Shri Ashutosh Jindal, Joint Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat in lieu of Ms. Rachna Shah, Additional Secretary. Cabinet Secretariat ; and
(iii) One member nominated by Cadre Controlling Authority.
(Ur esh Kumar Bhatia)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Mohammad Sami says
Public interest retirement in terms of FR=56(j) ,whether applicable to the employees of CPSE,s.
My sincere request is from DOPT authorities to write few lines in reply please.