Service Profile of Central Services – DOPT OM
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Cadre Review Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Rhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-03
Dated: 17th September, 2019
Subject: Service Profile of Central Services -reg
DoP&T is the nodal department for manpower planning and policy. In order to formulate manpower planning and policies, Service Profile of various Services/ cadres/ posts in Govt. of India is required.
2. In view of the above, all the Ministries/ Departments are requested to furnish the requisite information (as per the proforma enclosed) for all the Services/ cadres/ posts under their administrative control latest by 30.09.19 positively. The information may also be emailed at or gourang.goswarny@nic. in.
Encl: As above.
(M S Subramanya Rao)
Director (CRD)
Ph: 24624893
V.k.sharma says
What the dopt is,nodel ajency.but perhaps don’t know the meaning of nodel.other wise there is no reason to make macp effective w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in place of 1.9.2008 to cent.civilian employees when it had already made effective in pbors one of central government dept.on a order of apex is further sameless to deny it due to involve ment of some clerical should be named as crushing agency.