Timelines for Service Delivery through e-HRMS 2.0 Portal
The memorandum highlights the implementation of timelines for service delivery through the e-HRMS 2.0 portal by the Government of India’s Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension. The portal aims to enhance efficiency in managing human resource services such as leave, claims, and reimbursements for government employees. Simplification of processes and incorporation of auto approvals are emphasized to benefit employees.
F.NO. 3/1/2024-e-HRMSv2.0
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 26th February, 2024
Sub: Timelines for Service Delivery through e-HRMS 2.0 Portal-reg.
The undersigned is directed to state that the e-HRMS 2.0 portal facilitates seamless digital working environment and streamlines the disposal mechanism of various human resource services as expeditiously as possible. Any kind of applications with respect to leave, claims and reimbursements etc that are provided to the Government employees as per the applicable and extant rules/guidelines/instructions can now be disposed of through various modules of e-HRMS in an easy and transparent manner at the click of a button.
2. In order to make the said Portal more employee centric and as a Good Governance initiative, simplification of processes has been attempted in the HR Management System, wherever applicable. After various rounds of discussions and lot of deliberations, it has been decided to fix certain timelines for the simple processes for the ease and benefit of the employees.
3. In this connection, this is to inform all the Ministries/Departments/Organization (MDOs), that auto approvals and escalations to next level is being incorporated for specified timelines for the following services/modules provided through e-HRMS portal for effective implementation of e-HRMS 2.0:
i) Leave Module;
ii) Reimbursement & Allowances;
iii) Advances and LTC module.
The attached Annexures I, II,III are enumerative and descriptive for the reference and understanding of all.
4. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P).
(Oruganti Phani)
Under Secretary to the Goyérnment of India
Tel: 23040379
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