Tele Fax : 011-25686846
Mil : 36832
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt – 110 010
11 March 2019
IHQ of MoD (Navy) Dir ECHS (N)
HQ Southern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Eastern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ central Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Northern Command (A/ECHS)
HQ South Western Command (A/ECHS)
HQ Andaman & Nicobar Command (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres ECHS
Directorate General of Assam Rifiles (DGAR)
1. Introduction: Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) Introduce vide Government of India, Ministry of Defense letter No 22(1)/01/US(WE)/D(Res) dated 30 Dec 2002 has further been extended to the retired personnel of Assam Rifiles pensioners and their dependents residing in India and Nepal, through a Corrigendum issued vide Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 17(17)/2015/WE/D(Res-I) dated 05 Feb 19 and even No dated 05 Mar 2019 (copy attached).
2. Applicability:- For Assam Rifles Pensioners and their dependants, the following conditions will be applicable:
(a) They must be in receipt of Pension /Family pension /Disability pension drawn from Assam Rifiles pension disbursing authority.
(b) They must membership of ECHS and accept the Rules of ECHS as Applicable.
(c) They must not be members of CGHS. However, those who have already joined CGHS and wish to switch over to ECHS will have to first surrendered their membership of CGHS and submit documentary evidence duly countersigned by CGHS authorities (format of certificate att) in support thereof at the time of applying for ECHS Card. However, they will not have to pay contribution again for ECHS membership subject to having paid the full amount of applicable contribution of CGHS are as under:-
Ser No | Corresponding levels in the Pay matrix as per 7th CPC | Contribution |
(i) | Level: 1 to 5 | 250/- |
(ii) | Level: 6 | 450/- |
(iii) | Level: 7 to 11 | 650/- |
(iv) | Level: 12 & above | 1000/- |
In case of any lab amount against obit contribution, the same will be paid through MRO and necessary doc in Sp of the payment will be submitted online while applying for ECHS membership. Such a shift/ Swich will be allowed only once and no reversion will be permitted thereafter. At no point in time, they should be member of both the Schemes (ECHS and CGHS) simultaneously.
(d) they will also have to forego Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) if they were in receipt of the same. A Certificate to this effect will be reqd from the in of the A Certificate to this effect will be reqd from the individuals pension disbusing bank.
(e) Non CGHS members will have to make the one time contribution to become ECHS member as applicable to their grade / rank as under:-
Ser No | Ranks | One time contribution | Ward Entitlement |
(i) | Recruit to Warrant Offr | Rs 30000/- | General |
(ii) | Nb Sub to Sub Maj | Rs 67000/- | Semi Private |
(iii) | All Officers | Rs 120000/- | Private |
(f) War Widows, battle casualties and pre 01 Jan 1996 retirees shall be exempted from payment of one time ECHS contribution.
(g) All AR retirees and their dependants shall continue to be eligible for treatment in all AR Hospitals/ Clinics as at present. However, no treatment will be administered at AFMS Hospitals
3. Eligibility Status for Dependants : The following categories qualify to be eligible as “dependants” of Assam Rifiles pensioners:-
(a) parents:- Father and Mother of the pensioner shall be deemed to be dependent if they are normally residing with the Assam rifiles pensioner and their combined income from all sources is less than Rs 9000/- per month excluding dearness allowance (DA).
(b) Spouse:
(i) Legally wedded spouse. (More than one spouse and children from the second spouse are not permitted to avail ECHS benefits).
(ii) Name should be included in the record of service.
(iii) Legally separated spouse is included as long as the AR Pensioner is responsible for her maintenance.
(iv) Legally divorced spouse will not be eligible as a dependant .
(v) If the spouse is employed in Govt service then he/she can only be a member of any one Govt/Public Sector medical benefits Scheme and not to a simultaneous of two Govt medical Schemes.
(vi) If a War widow remarries, then she alone is eligible. Her husband and children from second marriage will not be eligible.
(vii) In case the AR pensioner marries after retirement, following documents will be required as proof for dependency of wife:-
(aa) Marriage certificate from for enrolling Register of Marriage/ Municipal Committee.
(ab)Part II orders/Gen Form/ Personal Occurrence Published.
(c) Sons:-
(i) His/their details must be included in the pensioner’s PPO/Discharge Book issued from Assam Rifiles Records, Shillong.
(ii) His total income from all sources should not exceed Rs. 9000/- excluding DA per month.
(iii) Son(s) above 25 years of age are not eligible to be dependent (s) in ECHS.
(iv) In case son(s) is/are born after the pensioner’s joining the ECHS, the following documents will be required the child to be declared as a dependant and to become entitled to EHS benefits:-
(aa) Birth Certificate.
(ab) Part II orders/ Gen Forms/Personal occurrence are required to be published stating birth of the child or an Affidavit by the widow in case the AR pensioner could not get Part II Orders published could not get Part-II Orders published for birth of his children.
(v) Son(s) with permanent Disability:- Unmarried Son(s) suffering from disability as per Persons With Disability (PWD) Act- 2016 and Unable to earn their live hood are permitted to be dependents for life time, irrespective of age limit. The disability is to be certified , by either a service Classified Specialist or a Civil Surgeon.
(d) Daughters:-
(i) Her/ Their details must be included in the pensioner’s PPO/Discharge Book issued from Assam Rifiles Records, Shillong.
(ii) Unmarried as well as divorced abandoned/daughter (s) with total income from all sources less than Rs 9000/- excluding DA per month.
(iii) Widowed daughters who are dependant on the pensioner and whose income from all sources is less than Rs – 9000/- excluding DA per month are entitled.
(iv) In case where the daughter (s) is /are born after the pensioner’s joining the ECHS , the following documents will be required as proof dependency:-
(aa) Birth Certificate.
(ab) Part II Order/Gen Form/Personal Occurrence stating birth of the children or an affidavit by the widow in case the AR pensioner could not get Part II order published for birth of his Children.
(e) Siters:-
(i) Her/ their details must be included in the pensioner’s PPO/ Discharge Book issued from Assam Rifiles Records, Shillong.
(ii) Unmarried as well as divorced abandoned /sister (s) with total income from all sources less than Rs-9000/- excluding DA Per Month.
(iii) Widowed sisters who are dependant on the pensioner and whose income from all sources is less than Rs-9000/- excluding DA per month are entitled.
(f) Brothers:-
(i) His/ their details must be included in the Pensioner’s PPO/ Discharge Book issued from Assam Rifiles Records, Shillong.
(ii) Minor brother(s) upto the age of becoming a major.
4. Specific Conditions for Continuance of Eligibility:- In case an Assam Rifles Pensioner (male/female) has declared his/her parents as defendants, they shall continue to receive ECHS benefits for their life time, subject only to the condition that their joint income from all sources does not exceed Rs 9000/- excluding DA per month from all sources. In the event of the male pensioner’s death, but her parents will not become eligible as defendants. However, parents of the deceased pensioner , if already enrolled as defendants, would continue to enjoy benefits of the ECHS in the event of death of the Assam Rifiles Pensioner, provided their joint income from all sources does not exceed Rs 9000/- excluding DA per month.
5. Processing of ECHS Applications for Smart Cards:- All processing of Smart Cards have been made online. Details of Online Application for processing of 64KB Cards are given at ECHS Website Retiring Assam Rifiles pensioners should fill online application for 64 KB ECHS Smart cards three months prior to their retirement, on receipt of PPO (authorized docu of Pension Proof). It must be uploaded and verified by the Record Office of Assam Rifiles. On completion of verification by Record Office , the card will be printed by the vendor and fwd to concerned Stn HQs through RCs. The Stn HQs will issue the cards to the AR Personnel based on SMS and OTP generated through the online system. Assam Rifils pensioners who are already retired are also required to apply online through appropriate module. Cards for such pensioners should also be made only after due verification by Record Office of Assam Rifles. They will uploaded all the necessary documents for ECHS Smart as per the instrs given at ECHS website.
6. All other procedure and policies of ECHS will be applicable to Assam Rifles Pensioners in letter and spirit. All relevant details are hosted on the ECHS website www.
(BS Sisodia)
Dir (Ops & Coord)
for Offg MD ECHS