Central Civil services (revised pay) Rules,1973-Fixation of pay of persons Promoted to a post after Ist January,1973
NO.67 /II/64/76-IC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Implementation of cell
New Delhi, the 12th May, 1976
26nd Vaisakha 1898(SAKA)
Subject:- Central Civil services (revised pay) Rules,1973-Fixation of pay of persons Promoted to a post after Ist January,1973.
Attention is invited to this Ministry’s O.M.No.67/II/30/74-IC dated the Ist june,1974 in which it was stimulated that all persons appointed by promotion to posts after 1-1-1973 should be allowed pay only in the revised scales as admissible under the central civil services (Revised pay) Rules,1973.A question has been raised as to how the pay of a person who had opted to retain his Existing scale of pay and has been promoted to a higher post between 1-1-1973 and the date of operation of his option is to be fixed in the revised scale of the of the higher post.It is clarified that rule 9 of the pay in the post held on 1-1-1973,as also cases where a Government servant who has retain the existing scale of pay of the post held by him on 1-1-1973 is brought to the revised scale of another post while drawing pay the pre-revised scale.In the latter type of cases,the pay will be fixed on promotion to higher post under normal rules in FRs and for this purpose the pay of the lower post should be taken as the basic pay on the date of appointment to the higher post plus Dearness Allowance,Dearnesss pay and Interim Releifs appropriate to such basic pay at the rates in force on 31st December,1972.The benefit of 5% on basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs.15 and a maximum of Rs.50 under rule 7(1) of the C.C.S.(r.p.) Rules ,1973 will not be admissible in such cases.
2. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned ,these orders issue after consultation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India.
3. Hindi version of the office Memorandum is enclosed.
Deputy secretary to the Government of India
Source: http://finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_expenditure/notification/payfixation/12-05-1976.pdf