Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947
No.F.11(1)-Est. (Spl)/47.
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
New Delhi, the 15th December, 1947.
Office Memorandum.
Subject:- Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947.
The undersigned is directed to say that the following decisions have been taken in respect of certain terms used in the Central Civil Services (Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947:-
(1) “completed years of service” defined in rule 2(b) of the rules referred to shall include in addition to duty rendered in a post.
(a) period of leave including extraordinary leave, provided that in the case of as person whose officiating tenure of a post is interrupted by such leave the period shall be allowed to count towards completed years of service only on the appointing authority certifying that the individual concerned would have continued to officiate in the post but for his proceeding on leave; and
(b) the officiating period during which a person appointed to the post was allowed a rate of pay fixed (under F.R.35) at an amount less than that admissible under the ordinary rules.
(2) Service by resignation or disciplinary action such as removal from service or dismissal should not be taken into account for computing the “completed years of service”.
(3) For purpose of the proviso to rule 3(b) of the rules referred to, a Government servant shall not be deemed to have “vacated the post or ceased to draw pay in the scale attached thereto” if his tenure of the post is interrupted by leave, officiating promotion to another post or transfer to another post of the same class.
(B.L. Batra)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.