Clarification with regard to 2nd ACP to Senior Accountants of CCAS cadre appointed as Accountant on the basis
No. A-11019/25/05/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/AICAEA-HQ/289
New Delhi
Dated: 27.10.2014
Subject : Clarification with regard to 2nd ACP to Senior Accountants of CCAS cadre appointed as Accountant on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association (AICAEA) has raised the issue of discrimination in grant of ACP to LDCs, who have qualified Limited Departmental Competitive Examination conducted by SSC and promoted as Accountant against the promotion quota. AICAEA has contended that as per clarification No. 8 of DoPT’s OM No. 35034/197-Estt. (D)(VoLIV) dated 10.02.2000. “Departmental Competitive examination may be treated as direct recruitment for the purpose of benefit of 2 nd
ACPs”. The matter was referred to DoPT for clarification.
2. DoPT vide Dy. No 982988/2014 Dated 17-10-2014 ha held that as per Recruitment and Promotion Rules relevant for a category/service, Limited Departmental Competitive Examination are provided as the fast track modes for promotion. As per relevant RRs, 20% of the vacancies in the grade of Accountants are also filled up through promotion of LDCs by seniority-cum-merit on the recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committee. It is also noted that on appointment of LDCs to the post of Accountants by passing Limited Competitive Examination, there is no change in cadre/service of the incumbents. Hence, this case is akin to the erstwhile Grade ‘D’ employees who become LDCs on the basis of departmental examination, where such appointments are counted as promotion for the purpose of ACP. As such, the case of LDCs of CCAS cadre, being appointed as Accountants after qualifying Limited Competitive Examination is to be treated as promotion for the purpose of grar of ACP benefit.
(Subhash Chandra)
Deputy Controller Geneal of Accounts