Fixation of pay of State Government servants on Appointment to posts under the central Government
F.I (62)-E.III (A)/75.
Government of India.
Ministry of Finance.
(Department of Expenditure)
New Delhi; dated the 17/11/1975
Subject:-Fixation of pay of State Government servants on Appointment to posts under the central Government.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry’s OM No.f.2(55)-E.III(A)/63 dated 30-7-1966 regarding application of F.R.22-0 to State Government servants on appointment to higher posts in the Govt.of India.It was clarified there in that whom a State Government servant drawing pay in the revised scale (after merging of D.A.) under the State Government is appointed to a post under the Central Government;and the post carries duties or responsibilities of greater importance than those attached to the post hold by him under the State Government.,the initial pay of the official in the control Government post should be fixed under F.R. 22-C with reference to his basic pay only.of into , enquires are being made us to the interpretation of the term ‘basic pay only’ used in the aforesaid OM.the case has been examined and on the basis of the term so long interpreted in this Ministry,the President is pleased to clarify that the term ‘basic pay only’ would mean only the basic pay in the scales after first revision on the pattern of the recommendations of the second pay commission for control Government employees and not the basic pay after the second or subsequent revisions of the state scales,if any.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India.