Issuance of Annual Statement of General Provident Fund Account
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
E-Block, GPO Complex, INA,
New Delhi
Dated 20th August, 2020
Subject: Issuance of Annual Statement of General Provident Fund Account-reg
As per Rule 39 of GPF Rules 1960 an annual statement of GPF is to be provided to the subscriber at the end of Financial Year.
2. The Annual Statement of GPF is to be maintained in Form 49 of CAM, which includes details of missing credit/debit and also provides for acknowledging the receipt of the statement. Immediate action should be taken by Pay and Accounts Office in case any variation in the GPF annual statement is reported. The statement is to be dispatched, invariably, to the subscribers latest by the 31st of July every year as per para 6.9.2 of CAM.
3. Despite the laid down guidelines/provisions on the matter, DoP&PW has been receiving grievances from retired government servants regarding missing credits and delayed GPF settlement on their retirement, vide their OM No. No.3/7/2020-P&PW (Desk-F) E.6574 dated 17.07.2020.
4. All the Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs(IC) are , therefore, requested to ensure that codal provisions of GPF prescribed under GPF(CS)Rules 1960 and CAM are scrupulously complied with and annual signed statement of GPF is, invariably, issued to all the GPF subscribers.
(Sanjeev Shrivastava)
Joint Controller General of Accounts