Daily Accounting Data of Central Government for March 2023
The Indian Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Controller General of Accounts has issued an office memorandum on March 1, 2022, directing concerned officials to provide daily flash figures from March 1 to March 31, 2023, to keep track of the fiscal position of the central government. The memo outlines specific actions to be taken by the concerned officials to ensure tax and non-tax collections are uploaded on e-Lekha and PFMS, and accounting data is uploaded on a daily basis. All officials are requested to comply with the memo’s instructions.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
(DAMA Section)
Mahalekha Niyantarak Bhawan, GPO Complex,
INA, New Delhi
Dated : 01.03.2022
Sub: Providing flash figures on daily basis from 1st March to 31st March, 2023 – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to M/o Finance, D/o Economic Affairs, Budget Division’s OM No.12(18)-B(W&M)/2022 dated 24.02.2023 (copy enclosed) for providing Flash Figures on daily basis from 1st March, 2023 to 31st March, 2023 to M/o Finance.
2. In order to keep close track of receipts, expenditure and involving fiscal position of the Central Government in the month of March, 2023, it is necessary to have updated information on day to day basis.
3. In this regard, following actions are required to be taken by concerned Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs (Independent Charge) :
3.1 Pr.CCAs (CBDT and CBIC) are requested to ensure that tax collections are uploaded on e-Lekha at the earliest and also forwarded to this office via e-mail.
3.2 The non-tax and disinvestment receipts (by concerned Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs) shall be uploaded on daily basis on PFMS/e-Lekha.
3.3 Non-Civil Ministries mainly Railways, Defence and Posts may also ensure upload of accounting data on daily basis.
All Pr.CCAs/ CCAs/ CAs (Independent Charge) are requested to ensure strict compliance of the action indicated at Para (2) above.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Shailendra Kumar)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts (A&FR)