Consolidated instructions for temporary allotment of general pool residential accommodation for marriage/social purposes.
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi-110 108.
Dated the 24th December, 2014
Subject: Consolidated instructions for temporary allotment of general pool residential accommodation for marriage/social purposes.
The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Directorate instructions/guidelines for temporary allotment of General Pool Residential Accommodation for marriage/social purposes issued vide O.M.No.12022/2/67-Pol.ll dated 23.7.1997 and OM No.12020/2/67-Pol.ll(Pt.) dated 18.11.1997.
2. In order to consolidate the extant instructions and streamline the procedure for temporary allotment of general pool residential accommodation for marriage/social purposes, it has been decided that temporary allotment of general pool residential accommodation for marriage/social purposes shall be governed by the following norms:-
(i) Temporary allotment will be made only in favour of an allottee of GPRA and the,sitting Members of Parliament.
(ii) Temporary allotments will be made for marriage / social purposes of the allottees’ sons, daughters, brothers, sisters or other dependant members of the family.
(iii) Temporary allotments of entitled type of accommodation or below the entitled type of accommodation will be made to the allottee subject to availability and would be avoided to the extent possible in multi-storey complexes (more than two storeys) for Type IV(Special) and above categories.
(iv) The period of temporary allotment shall be for a maximum period of 7 days.
(v) Allotment for marriage/social purposes shall not be made more than 15 days in advance of the actual date of marriage/social function.
(vi) The applicant has to apply online in the prescribed form duly supported by
documentary proof such as Wedding Card, CGHS Card, Ration Card, etc. and the hard copy of the application is to be duly forwarded by the Department where the applicant is working.
(vii) The following rates of licence fee shall be charged from the allottee for different types of accommodation:-
Type of House |
Rates of licence fee per month |
Type-I to IV and Hostel |
Three times of Special Licence Fee |
Type-IV(SpL) and above |
Five times of Special Licence Fee |
(viii) The following amount would also be charged from the allottee for different types of accommodation as scavenging/cleaning charges and charges on this account shall be taken in advance by the CPWD before handing over the possession of the accommodation and will be non-refundable:-
SI.No. |
Type of GPRA |
Amount to be charged ₹ |
1 |
Type V & VI |
500 |
2 |
Type VII & VIII |
1000 |
(ix) No amount will be charged for scavenging/cleaning charges from the allottee of Type I to IV accommodation.
(x) The allottee shall hand over vacant possession of the GPRA to the CPWD in the same condition as it was handed over to him/her. Damages, if any, caused to the accommodation by the allottee will be charged from the allottee upon getting a report from the CPWD in this behalf.
(xi) Damages will be charged from the allottee for excess occupation of allotted accommodation, if any, beyond the allotted days.
(xii) All kinds of charge / licence fee will be payable immediately before receipt of allotment order by the allottees.
(xiii) The allottee shall not use high decibel audio system for the function.
(xiv) The allottee shall not cause any kind of inconvenience to neighbours in the course of organizing function.
(xv) The allotment would be cancelled without notice if the Directorate of Estates receives a genuine complaint from neighbours regarding nuisance or other reasons.
(xvi) All the Allotment Sections of this Directorate maintain a Register for temporary allotments made and CPWD shall maintain a Register for such temporary allotments in order to ensure that quarters are vacated within the period for which the allotment was made.
(xvii) In case of any default, immediate necessary action may be initiated for summary eviction proceedings under Section 3A of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Act, 1971.
5. This Office Memorandum supersedes 0,M.No.12022/2/67-Pol.ll dated 23.7.1997 and OM No.12020/2/67-Pol.ll(Pt.) dated 18.11.1997 and come into force with immediate effect.
(Swarnali Banerjee)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Ph: 2306 2505