Calendar of Examinations Scheduled to be Held in the Year 2022
F. No. A-34012/01 /2022-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(DE Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 30th March, 2022
All Heads of Circles
The Additional Director General, APS, New Delhi
Subject: Calendar of examinations scheduled to be held in the year 2022.
I am directed to forward herewith the Calendar of examinations (enclosed as Annexure ‘A’) scheduled to be held in the year 2022, duly approved by the Competent Authority.
2. The following activities in r/o all de-centralized examinations will be undertaken by the Circles:
(i) Setting of all Question-papers as per pattern and syllabus notified by Nodal Division (SPN Section) of Directorate from time to time
(ii) Jumbling of the questions to create 4 series (A B, C & D) of the Question Papers.
(iii) Printing of the required number of question Papers in English, Hindi and the notified local language(s) for the Circle.
(iv) Procurement of required number of OMR sheets.
(v) All formalities relating to conducting of examinations.
(vi) Conducting the Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) [if prescribed in the pattern of the examination].
(vii) Declaration of the results.
3. It may be ensured that the Time Schedule as indicated in the Calendar of Examinations, 2022 is strictly adhered to and timely action be taken at all stages.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Ranjeet Kumar Sinha)
Director (DE)
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