DOP Order – Promotion /Posting of Departmental Candidates, i.e. Postman/ Mail /Guard/GDS and PA/SA qualified in Departmental Examination for PA/SA And Inspector Posts respectively
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad MARG
NEW Delhi – 110 001
Dated: 29th January, 2019
1) All Chief Postmasters General/Postmaster General
2) CGM BD Directorate/ Parcel Directorate/PLI Directorate
3) Director, RAKNPA/GM,CEPT/Director of all PTCs
4) Addl DG,Army Postal Services, New Delhi
5) All General Manager (Finance)/Directors Postal Accounts/DDAP
Subject: Promotion /Posting of Departmental Candidates, i.e. Postman/ Mail /Guard/GDS and PA/SA qualified in Departmental Examination for PA/SA And Inspector Posts respectively.
I am directed to refer to this office letter no.7-10/2017-SPB-II dated 01-03-2018 on the above mentioned subject wherein instructions were issued for appointment of candidates qualified in Departmental Examination, for promotion to Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and Inspector Posts, in the promotional post straightaway hitherto being done after completion of induction training.These instructions were issued to bring in parity with the direct recruits.
2. It has been brought to the notice of Directorate that Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) selected for appointment to the post of PA/SA.Postman/Mail Guard/MTS, whether through examination or seniority, etc are allowed to join only after they are imparted prescribed training.
3. The matter has been examined in the Directorate. It is observed that Appointment of GDS to PA/SA/Postman/Mail Guard/MTS is treated as directed recruitment . Since direct recruits are being appointed straightaway after completing the pre-appointment formalities and sent for induction training Subsequently, to bring in parity, it has been decided to extend same facility to those GDSs who are selected for appointment as MTS/Postman/Mail Guard/PA/SA. Therefore, henceforth GDSs selected for appointment to the post of MTS/Postman/Mail Guard/PA/SA shall be appointed straightaway after completing pre-appointment formalities without waiting for completion of prescribed institutional training.
4. Pending Prescribed institutional training, such candidates may not be detailed to sensitive assignments. However, in case there is inordinate delay in their training and the competent authority in the circle satisfies that such officials could be entrusted with selective responsibilities their services may be utilized accordingly.
5. Appointing authorities shall ensure that the officials thus appointed under these instructions are sent for institutional training within one year of their joining.
6. The above instructions will be applicable from date of issue of this order and no past cases shall be reviewed.
Yours faithfully
(Satys Narayana Dash)
Director (SPN)
Signed copy