KV School Fee Collection through bank for the 1st Quarter of 2016-17 through UBI Web Portal
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
18, Institutional Area, SJS Marg
New Delhi – 110016
E-mail:- kvsdcfinance@gmail.com
F. No. 110240/4/2014/KVS/ HQ/ Budget/PF-1
Dated:- 30th March, 2016
Most Important
The Deputy Commissioner,
All Regional Offices
Sub:- Fee Collection through bank for the 1st Quarter of 2016-17 through UBI Web Portal-Reg.
This has a reference to this office letter of even no. dated 17th March 2016 wherein a request was made to complete the verification process at all levels by 31st March 2016 up to 8.00 A.M. However, it is observed from the data available on the system that still the Data verification is to be done by a good number of Vidyalayas.
It is, therefore, once again requested that verification process may be completed by 31st March 2016 up to 8.00 A.M without fail. It may be noted that once the data is frozen on UBI Web Portal, fee will not be collected through the system under any circumstances .
It is also intimated that the student datas of existing class 10th and 12th which are kept in Dummy sections or unused sections are not required to be verified as already stated in letter dated 17th March 2016 and UBI guidelines displayed on UBI Fee Collection Web Portal.
The above instructions may be brought to the notice of the Principals and all other stakeholders under your jurisdiction for necessary compliance at their end.
Yours faithfully,
(S. Muthusivam)
Deputy Commissioner (Fin)
Signed copy download here