KVS National Award to Teachers – Initiation of Selection process
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
New Delhi – 110016
File No. 11-E-3060(NA)/2/2019-Estt.III/590-25
Most Important
The Deputy Commissioner / Director
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices / ZIETs
The Principal
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Kathmandu / Moscow / Tehran
Subject : National Award to Teachers-Initiation of Selection process.
I am to refer to MHRD’s circular No. F.1-5/2018-NAT dated 06.05.2019 on the subject cited above and to forward the circular along with revised NAT Guidelines and timelines for National Award to teachers.
Your attention is invited to the fact how we complete the selection process of teachers for the National Awards. It has been observed last year that many proposals forwarded by the Regional Selection Committees were not up to the mark and worth consideration. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan is blessed with a lot of outstanding teachers who are contributing immensely to the institutions society and ultimately to the nation. Many teachers are having remarkable achievement in the filed of education. Many teachers who are worth of consideration for awards but do not take part in this process due to their busy schedule or some other reasons. These teachers need to be encouraged to apply for this Award through online process. Mere completion of formality to forward some names of teachers to KVS (HQ) under this process will not serve our purpose. Achievements, efforts & records of the individuals whose names are being selected by the Regional Selection Committees must be quite visible and from their proposals In nutshell this is to say that proposals should be self explanatory in itself.
All Deputy Commissioners are requested to take personal interest to identify, motivate and forward worthwhile proposals so that KVS nominations may be adjudged amongst the best proposals by the National Level Independent July The conferment of National Award to a genuine teacher inspires other teachers to endeavor for higher achievement.
Kindly give this circular wide publicity so that the same can be known by every teacher. Timelines prescribed for each stage of this process may be strictly adhered to
Yours faithfully,
Saurabh Jain
Additional Commissioner (Admn.)