Minutes of the meeting of the JCM of KVS held on 28.10.2014 in Dronacharya Kaksh, KVS HQ, New Delhi
18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016
Fax: 26514179 TEL: 26858570
- 11083-14/2010-KVSHQ/Admn-l/Pt-IV
Date: 11.12.2014
Sub: Minutes of the meeting of the JCM of KVS held on 28.10.2014 in Dronacharya Kaksh, KVS HQ, New Delhi.
A copy of the minutes of the JCM meeting held on 28.10.2014 duly approved by Chairperson, JCM of KVS is enclosed.
Comments if any, may please be forwarded to the undersigned by 31.12.2014 positively.
The date of next meeting of JCM scheduled on 13.02.2015 at 10:30 AM at the same venue.
(Dr. E.Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.) &
Member Secretary, JCM, KVS
Enel: As above
HELD ON 28.10.2014 AT 10.30 AM
Following Members attended the meeting of JCM, KVS held on 28-10-2014
1 | Ms. Vrinda Sarup
Addl. Secretary & Vice Chairperson, KVS, MHRD |
– Chairperson |
2 | Sh. Anil Kakaria
Deputy Secretary (Fin.), MHRD, Deptt. of Education Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. |
– Member |
3 | Sh. Avinash Dikshit
Commissioner, KVS, New Delhi |
– Member |
4 | Sh. G.K.Srivastva
Add!. Commissioner (Admn..) KVS Hqrs. New Delhi, |
– Member |
5 | Dr. E.Prabhakar | – Member |
Joint Commissioner(Pers.)
KVS Hqrs New Delhi. |
Secretary | |
6 | Sh. K.Babu Rajan
President, AIKVTA K.V. No. 1, Calucut |
– Member |
7 | Sh. Vijeyesh Pande | – Leader Staff |
General Secretary, AIKVTA | Side | |
A-502, Gauri Ganesh Apptt. Plot No. 8, Sector- 3
Dwarka New Delhi-110 075 |
8 | Sh. K.R. Thakur
Yoga Teacher & Secretary, Press & Publication, AIKVTA KV Sector-5, Dwarka New Delhi |
– Member |
9 | Sh. Priyavrat Chhikara,
General Secretary, KVPSS. PRT, Kendriya Vidyalaya AFS Bawana. Delhi |
– Member |
10 | Sh. S.K. Pathak,
President, KEVINTSA Kendriya Vidyalaya, New Cantt. Allahabad
– Member |
11 Sh.S.K.Biswas – Secretaru Staff Side
General Secretary , KEVINTSA
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1
Kanchrapara, Kolkatta Kamp, Distt.24 Pargana
(N) West Bengal – 743193
Special Invitees:
- Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Addl. Commissioner(Acad.) KVS
- Dr.(Mrs.) V.Vijayalaxmi, Joint Commissioner(Acad.), KVS.
- Dr, Shachi Kant, Joint Commissioner(Trg.), KVS
- Sh. U.N. Khaware, Joint Commissioner(Admn.), KVS
- Sh. S. Muthusivam, Assistant Commissioner(Fin.), KVS
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Points submitted by AIKVTA |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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7 |
Sanction of post of Sub-Staff for Vidyalaya Library & Computer Laboratory. |
A provision for sub- Staff in KV Library has been made in Library policy. The library policy of KVS has been approved by BOG KVS in its meeting held on 01.07.2014. Further course of action for moving a proposal for sanction of post of Sub Staff would be taken up by KVS. |
The chairperson directed KVS to take further necessary action for creation of posts of Sub-staff for Library and submit the report in next JCM. Action by – JC(Trg./ Acad) |
2 |
Review of departmental promotion policy for teaching cadre, with AIKVTA representation on any such review committee:- Departmental promotion for teachers in KVS is a myth, not available to senior teacher even with 15 to 20 years of experience in the Grade .The reason being the introduction of selection promotion policy in place of non-selection promotion policy which was in force earlier. We do not have problem with selection promotion policy as long as the tests conducted to evaluate the suitability of teachers in the higher post is limited to a qualifying cut marks rather than a as per merit list position. Written test may serve the limited purpose of evaluating the content knowledge of the examinees but cannot evaluate The teaching techniques and effectiveness of teaching in a class room situation. Senior teachers by virtue of their experience prove to be better teachers than “more informed on content” teachers. Hence promotion policy should be modified to accommodate both the experience and content knowledge by fixing a suitable cut mark in the tests so that those who clear that cut marks may get promotion as per seniority. Even if KVS might have undertaken some review of promotion policy, but AIKVTA was not invited to put forth its views before it. Hence, KVS should reconsider review of promotion policy in the light of AIKVTA view points & with AIKVTA participation in any such endeavour. |
The Committee constituted for the purpose of examining the issue to review the Deptt. promotion policy of teachers has been considered and recommended to continue with the present method limited Departmental Exam. The Association has been informed vide letter No. F.11055/14/2013/ KVS/RPS/1421 dated 25.09.2014. |
In view of reply submitted by KVS and deliberations, the agenda is dropped.
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7 |
Promotional avenues for TGTs (WET/ PET/ARTS/Sans) & Librarian by introducing additional subjects in + 2 Classes and TGT grade to Music Teachers:- TGTs (W.E.T,P.E.T,ART) and Librarians do not have promotional avenues and KVS should Introduce additional elective subjects at plus to level in those subjects to facilitate creation of PGT posts and facilitate promotion of those teachers. Music teachers are the most neglected of the staff serving the Kendriya Vidyalayas. The essential qualification prescribed for recruitment to the post of Music Teacher Corresponds to TGTs, but they are given PRT post. They train secondary and higher secondary students for all sorts of cultural functions held in the Vidyalaya, for Social Science exhibitions, Annual day celebration, to welcome and entertain VIPs visiting the Vidyalayas apart from taking regular period in Primary Classess. In NCT Delhi Schools and many other Govt. School they are given TGT grade but KVS put them in Primary Scale. It is not exaggeration of facts if we say the Music Teachers in KVS are illegally exploited, they draw the salary of PRT grade and we are compelled to work with secondary and higher Secondary students. |
The proposal for removal of 20% ceiling has been taken up with Ministry on 14.6.2014 which is still under examination with the Ministry of HRD. A reminder has been issued vide letter N0.F.18-3/92-KVS (Admn-l)/Vol.lll dated 20.10.2014. |
The progress may be submitted in next JCM. Action by AC(Admn) |
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9 |
Extension of CGHS facilities to KV teachers similarly as being extended to KVS(HQ) and KVS(Regional Office,) staff and extension of CGHS facility to KVS employees at par with retired GOI employees:- Teachers should also be granted CGHS facility as is being provided to KVS HQ and Regional Office Staff. The CGHS benefits available to GOI employees after their retirement should also be available to retired KVS employees as is being extended to NCERT employees. |
As directed by Chairperson, JCM , the matter regarding extension of CGHS facilities to all the serving and retired employees of KVS has been taken up with the Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare by the Secretary (SE&L), MHRD vide D.O. letter No. 11086/01/2012- KVSHQ(Admn.ll) dated 09.07.2014. Moreover, CGHS authorities vide their OM No.F.7-1/2013- CGHS/ C&P/Part/3409 dated 09.07.2014 has informed that the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has agreed to provide the CGHS facilities to the pensioners/family pensioners and retired employees of the Statutory/Autonomous bodies on cost to cost basis, who’s serving counterparts are already covered by CGHS medical facilities. They will be entitled to OPD facilities and medicines from CGHS Wellness Centres in Delhi/ NCR only. |
After deliberation at length, the Chairperson directed that the committee constituted for the purpose may give its recommendations regarding proposals received for medical claim policy.
During the deliberations, the General Secretary KVPSS cited the case of Shri S. S. Dahiya a non¬teaching employee of KV, who is availing the facility of CGHS. The Chairperson directed that KVS should examine the case and submit the report in the next JCM.
Action by AC(Admn) |
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Points submitted by KEVINTSA |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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10 |
Burden of additional duties on the non-teaching employees. A proper and comprehensive “work study” should be conducted by forming a committee consisting of representative of recognized Associations. Work study conducted by the MHRD and views of Associations also taken into account and comprehensive report to be submitted in a time bound manner |
In response to KVS letter no 11029- 6/2014- KVS(HQ)(Admn I) dated 26.05.2014, the MHRD vide their letter dated 30.06.2014 has informed that the SIU Unit has been winded up. The Ministry has further opined that KVS may take appropriate action at their own |
In view of the opinion tendered by MHRD vide their letter dated 30.06.2014, the KVS should take necessary action by constituting a committee with reference to manual and office procedure. The committee so constituted will look into work load at KV, RO, and HQ level and will also submit its report for cadre restructuring of non-teaching posts in consultation with the association concerned
Action by – AC(Admn) |
R.S.N. |
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Demand by AIKVTA |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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1 |
Grant of higher pay scale and/or Financial incentive to KV teachers.
The 80th BOG Meeting has deliberated in detail on the point and it has been desired by the Chairman that a Committee under the Chairmanship of Vice Chairman may be constituted to look into the matter. As per the record available with AIKVTA neither any such committee was ever finalized though proposed nor, any meeting was ever held to discuss the issue. However, it was informed by the Govt, vide letter dated 2009 that since the revision of pay as per the 6th C.P.C. for the teachers has taken place recently the proposal for granting higher pay structure and/or financial incentive io the teachers will be looked into at a later stage. The AIKVTA is of opinion that now proposal may please be taken into account in the true spirit it has been discussed in BOG. |
The Secretary, 7tn CPC invited Commissioner, KVS, to submit the issues pertaining to KVS before the 7th CPC. Accordingly on 20.07.2014 the Commissioner, KVS attended the meeting with the 7th CPC and submitted the request of KVS taking care of the issues raised by association. Hence may be dropped. |
In view of the action taken by KVS, the agenda is dropped. |
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Payment of salary to all the new recruitees for the summer vacations exempting the condition of completion of 6 months prior to the beginning of the summer vacations.
Teachers being the vacational staff are entitled for one vacation of 50 days and 2 breaks of total of 20 days. Non-payment of salary to the new recruitees, if they do not complete 6 months prior to the summer vacation not only put them in financial constraints but also regularization of their services for the period of summer vacations comes under big question mark. It is suggested that the salary for the summer vacation may be released to the new recruitees as soon as they complete 6 months of their regular service in KVS, as was prevailing earlier prior to 2005. |
The committee in its meeting held on 13.06.2014 has finalized its recommendation and the same will be put up as agenda before the Finance Committee and BOG KVS in its ensuing meetings. |
The progress may be reported to next JCM.
Action by – AC(Admn) |
R.S.N |
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Points submitted by KVPSS |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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11 |
KVS has set up a PR Cell to submit applications regarding transfers/ promotional modifications/ place of posting/other service matters where the teachers have to personally visit and submit their applications. It is very inconvenient particularly for the lady teachers who are working far away from Delhi to travel for 48 hours to submit an application which are usually thrown into dustbin. Officers of KVS consider it below their dignity to meet the teachers and listen their grievances. In the promotional posting no criteria has been followed regarding the placement of the teachers. A few teachers have been posted about 2000-2500 Kms away from their KVs inspite of the vacancies in their own KVs and at the same station. Why have the teachers not posted in the nearby places where posts are still lying vacant? It is tantamount to mental harassment of the K.V.teachers. Under these circumstances, what Kind of performance do you expect from the KV teachers in the classroom? |
1641 representations related to transfer/ modification were received through new e-mail ID and all the representations are disposed of. |
After deliberation, it has been decided to drop the agenda. The chairperson directed KVS to continue the said email ID to facilitating the employees to submit their grievance.
Action by – JC(Admn) |
Additional Agenda by AIKVTA:-
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Agenda |
Decision 28.10.2014 |
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15 |
The General Secretary AIKVTA informed that in the meeting held on 09.09.2013 in the chamber of Commissioner, KVS it was decided that a committee will be constituted to prepare a decision making/convincing proposal for referring to MHRD for extending the benefits of Govt, of India MAC PS to the teachers of KVS, comprising of KVS Officials and teaching associations which has not been constituted so far. The Chairperson directed to KVS to constitute the said committee immediately within 15 days. |
The proposal received from Association (AIKVTA) for adoption of MACPS to Teaching Category of employees of KVS including the post of Principal and Vice Principal, has been forwarded to MHRD vide this office letter dated 10.10.2014 for review of decision already communicated vide their letter dated 15.07.2013.
In this connection it is also informed that the Association has filed OA in CAT, Lucknow which is still pending |
The progress may be reported in next JCM.
Action by – AC(Admn) |
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Agenda of AIKVTA |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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5 |
Grant of Selection Scale to teachers having higher qualification irrespective of the stream/ subject
The selection scale to the teachers of Kendriya Vidyalaya was Introduced vide Dept of Education MHRD Govt Of India letter No.F.5-180/86- UT.1 dated 12″1 August 1987, which speaks that for grant of selection scales to PRT and TGT it will be required to obtain higher qualification..,, but does not speaks of any specific subject combinations/ Subject in Graduation /Post Graduation. As per the spirit, and to check the stagnation, having higher qualification is sufficient for being eligible for the grant of Selection Scale, if required, specially on the facts that teachers are actually/ Practically getting only one upgradation after 12 years, second one being the misnomer. |
The matter is still under examination with MHRD. |
In view of the deliberations, the Chairperson directed KVS to re-examine the issue and report in next JCM.
Action by – AC(Admn) |
11 |
7 |
Grant of Service benefits viz. Confirmation, Senior Scale and other benefits to the teachers of Bhubaneswar Region, under the Perview of CBI Case No RC.36(A)/96 against two members of the selection board. Selection of the teachers was made in the year 1993 in KVS RO Bhubaneshwar and the CBI had registered a case No.RC.36(A)/96 against the Chairman & Member secretary of selection Board for selection of primary Teachers on the basis of source of information relating to the allegation of gross abuse of their official position in -making the appointments of PRT in various KV under Bhubneshwar Region.
It is clear from the record that no departmental action has been initiated or is pending against the teachers as on today and there is also no pending criminal case but the teachers are not getting their service benefits ie. Confirmation, senior Scale etc., which may be considered accordingly, and without any further delay. |
As per the status received from the DC KVS RO Bhubaneshwar, in 0ctober2014 the matter is being examined. |
After deliberations, it has been decided by the Chairperson that since the matter is sub-judlce,the agenda may be dropped |
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Agenda point submitted by KVPSS |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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1 |
Principals may be empowered to sanction CL/EL in conjunction with (prefix/suffix) Autumn/ Winter Break/Vacation. |
The matter has been referred to concerned section for necessary amendment in Accounts code. |
The progress may be submitted in next JCM.
Action by AC(Estt.-l) |
13 |
5 |
Receipts and issue (R&l) section as exists in KVS HQ should be extended to KVs and KVS-RO, with regard to submission of all kind of applications/ representations/ medical bills/ TA/DA/ LTC bills etc. by the employees. |
Necessary instruction have been issued to all DCs vide letter No.F.11046/15/JCM/ KVSHQ(Estt.ll) dated 17.10.2014. |
Dropped. |
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8 |
If an enquiry is set up against any teacher, the Enquiry Committee should include a teacher as a member. |
Necessary instruction have been issued to all DCs vide letter No. F.11029/4-1-80/2014/ KVS/Estt-l dated 22.10.2014 |
Dropped |
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S.N |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
15 |
01. |
Sub-staffs to be treated as vocational staff
The matter has been dropped but not report has been given to the Association. Since the Sub Staff working in KVs alone are deprived of Earned Leave while Sub Staff working in KVS, HQ and KVS, ROs are treated as non vocational staff. Besides the Sub Staff being vocational loose on EL encashment at the time of availing LTC and at the time of retirement and substantial loss is caused to a particular category of Sub Staff alone and is discrimination in the matter of. |
As per letter No. F.Misc/2014/KVS(Estt- III) dated 20.10.2014, it has been requested to ail the DCs, KVS, RO to issue necessary directions to all the Principals under their jurisdiction to comply the decision of JCM. |
Dropped |
16 |
5. |
Availability of Education Code/Account Code in website of KEVINTSA
Only draft education code is available in the website of KVS. Corrected Education Code is required to be uploaded in the website and amendments made, if any, to also be incorporated in the uploaded in the website. Accounts code which is required to be updated.
(b) Minutes of the Finance committee/Academic Committee/ Administrative Committee with relevant enclosures not available in the website of KVS, which is required to be
The revised/updated Education Code is being placed before ensuing BOG, KVS for approval. |
The updated Education Code is ready for approval of Finance Committee/ BOG, KVS. The agenda is dropped.
In view of deliberation, it has been decided that the Accounts Code may be uploaded on the website of KVS.
Action by AC(Admn.) |
17 |
6. |
Grant of Rs.4200/- to LDCs/UDCs w.e.f. 1.8.2008 in respect of whom financial up-gradations has been sanctioned prior to 1.8.2008 under ACP scheme
Since a clarification has already been issued by DOPT, the nodal agency under ACP scheme, the matter may be referred to the Min. HRD for implementation in KVS,(Authority: DOPT OM bearing no.20/29/2006-CS-ll dated 14.11.2006. |
Although the matter was rejected earlier by the Ministry of HRD yet as per direction of Chairperson, JCM the matter is being re-examined in the light of DOPT OM mentioned by KEVINTSA. Subsequently, the proposal will be resubmitted to the MHRD
During deliberation, it is revealed that the case cited by association belongs to Stenographer and is not compatible with the present case and hence dropped.
Additional Agenda by KEVINTSA |
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1 |
Recruitment rules to the post of Section Officer in KVS The revised Recruitment rules to the post of Section Officer approved by the 96th meeting of the BOG held on 28.01.2014 has only the method of promotion through Limited Departmental Exam i.e. by 100% thus, obliterating the seniority based promotion from amongst the Assistants working in KVS.
KVS has replied to KEVINTSA that “to bring quality employees to improve the working standard of KVS” KEVINTSA as alleged that this yard stick is not applied to the posts of UDC, LDC, Assistant, Administrative Office, Finance Officer and also among the high ranking officer right from DCs to JCs. Revised Recruitment rules can cause further stagnation to the existing non- teaching staff.
it is requested that a positive Recruitment rules may be mooted immediately to retain the best talent in KVS coupled with the intention to secure the maximum output from the Human resource.
As desired association by The meeting has been Conducted on 02.09.2014 but no fruitful outcome has emerged as the case is subjudiced. |
Dropped |
Additional Agenda by AIKVTA with the Permission of Chair |
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Agenda |
Decision on 28.10.2014 |
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1 |
Re-introduction of transfer on mutual basis and against no taker vacancies – The matter already approved by the Board of Governors, KVS. |
It is submitted that earlier a Committee constituted for the purpose had examined the issue and recommended that transfer against No Taker Vacancy may not be introduced in the overall interest of the organization.
It is submitted that transfers against No Taker vacancy earlier was operated throughout the year which affected the studies of students. It was discontinued to minimize administrative work load as well as to misuse of sanctity of transfer guidelines as it was noticed that teachers were asking 5 to 8 times transfer against No Taker vacancies either to break station seniority or to avoid posting to KVs in hard/very hard/NE stations. The genuine claims of actual contenders were got affected even after completion of their tenure in hard/very hard/NE stations. Hence, it should not be re-introduced. |
Dropped |
20 |
3 |
Non-release of funds to Vidyalayas for making day to day payment such as arrears of DA/TA/medical bill etc. especially in RO Gurgaon and Lucknow. |
Funds are released as per the Budget approved by the Govt, of India. However it will be ensured that the Vidyalaya will settle the personal claims in time. |
Dropped |
A. AIKVT – No new Agenda Points
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Agenda |
Comments on KVS |
Decisions taken on 28.10.2014 |
1 |
Limited Dept. Exam Eligibility criteria Experience should be counted up to the last date of closing of filling up form (not 1st January) or up to 1st April of the session. |
Limited Deptt. Examination is a fast track promotion, therefore the eligibility conditions applicable to promotions on seniority basis hold good for promotion through Limited Deptt. Examination. Viz. eligibility will be examined as on 1st January/1st April of that particular year of vacancy as per DOPT rules. |
Dropped |
2 |
There is no option in the software for filling up the experience as TGT for the post of Vice-Principal & Principal as the same is counted in the eligibility criteria for selection on both the posts. |
These provisions will be applicable for the vacancies for the year 2014- 15 onwards as per Recruitment Rules effective from 12.02.2014. The present vacancies for the post of Principals and Vice Principals are for the year 2012-13 & 2013-14 for which RR effective from 01.08.2008 will be applicable. |
After deliberation, the Chairperson directed the KVS to relooked into matter and make necessary correction wherever required.
Action by JC(Admn) |
3 |
Central govt, pool accommodation – KV teachers should also be included in this accommodation. |
Central Govt, pool accommodation is meant for Central Govt, employees and the employees working under the Govt, of NCT who are working in the offices which have been specifically declared eligible for General Pool, KVS is an autonomous organization hence not eligible for Govt. Pool Accommodation. |
Dropped |
4 |
TA should be given for attending workshop in other school at the same station e.g. if a teacher goes to attend in service course/ workshop at the same station, he should be entitled to get TA/DA as per Govt, rules. |
As per Rule 164 of FR SR, Part II TA Rules prescribed for the employees of Govt, of India/KVs, in the case of Government servants deputed for training at centers/ institutions located at their headquarters station that such centers/institutions should be deemed to be their temporary headquarters during the period of training. No travelling/daily allowance is admissible in such cases whatever be the distance between their normal duty points and the institutions/schools to which they are deputed for training. |
Dropped |
5 |
NPS optees should also get annual statement as is given to GPF/CPF optees. |
Under the provisions of New Pension Scheme roll of organization(KVS) is mainly limited to the extent of uploading the data on NSDL web site, transfer of funds to the trustee banker and verification of credentials as required time to time through PAO. The mandate to provide annual statement of complete transaction to NPS Subscribers lies with NSDL/CRA and NSDL/CRA has already completed dispatch of Transaction statements for the year 2013-14 for all the Subscribers by 15th May, 2014. |
Dropped |
6 |
Office bearers of recognized association should be given relaxation in teaching period because of their workload as is given to HM/ Vice Principal / Principal. |
Principals/vice-Principals/HM have regular administrative duties and hence lesser teaching periods are also allotted to them. However, such relaxation is neither possible nor desirable for office bearers of recognized Associations. |
It is not possible to accept the demand of association. However, the efforts are being made by KVS to fill the vacant posts. Hence, dropped. |
7 |
Annual transfer form should have a column mentioning the shift option viz 1st shift or 2nd shift. |
It is submitted that some of the Kendriya Vidyalayas are run in double shift i.e. 1st shift or 2nd shift. As per the transfer guidelines, an employee can apply for request transfer against clear vacancies either for intra station or inter station transfer. There is no provision for transfer for a particular shift as transfers are generated as per the computer software developed by the EDP cell of KVS. It has been noticed that most of the teachers wants to work-1st shift only: If the transfers are generated as per shift then most of the teachers will apply for 1st shift and they may get their transfer in 1st shift and there will be shortage of teachers in 2nd shift which will affect the studies of the students. Hence, it is not feasible to have a column of 1st shift or 2nd shift in the annual transfer application form in the overall interest of KVS. |
The suggestion is noticed and will be examined while revising the transfer guidelines. Dropped from here.
Action by JC(Admn) |
8 |
In metropolitan cities there should be a column of residential address, so that a teacher gets posting in a school near to his/her place of residence where he could reach conveniently. |
It is submitted that as per the transfer guidelines, an employee can apply for request transfer against clear vacancies either for intra station or inter station transfer as per his/her convenience/ suitability. Accordingly, they get their request transfer to their choice places/stations. It is further submitted it is a computer generated programme and all the transfers are generated as per the software developed by KVS. Hence, the demand of association is not tenable. |
Dropped |
9 |
Use of chalk is hazardous for students and teachers both. So we request you to make such arrangements of black boards which could be used with the help of markers or sketch pen in place of chalk. |
All the Vidyalayas are already having other arrangements like E- classroom, white board etc. Dust less chalk is also in use in most of the Vidyalayas. |
Dropped |
10 |
Mutual transfers and transfers against No taker vacancy should be started again. |
The matter was discussed in the earlier JCM and it was decided that Mutual transfers are not approved by BOG, KVS. The Committee has examined the issue of No taker vacancy and did not recommend, (reference ATR item no. 19 (I) of JCM dated 18.06.2014). |
Dropped |
11 |
Departmental promotions by of virtue of seniority should be started again. |
The similar representation of AIKVTA to review the Deptt. Promotion policy of teachers has already been examined and disposed of vide letter No. F.11055/14/2013/KVS/RPS/1421 Dated 25.08.2014.The same may be provided to representative of KVPSS. (reference ATR item no. 2 (6) of JCM dated 18.06.2014). |
Dropped |
12 |
Under the provision of special dispensation admission Quota General Secretary of KVS recognized service association should be given at least 5 seats as is given to MPs and BOG members of KVS. |
The special dispensation admission quota is available to MPs who are the public representatives and outside members who support KVS by various means including BOG KVS. None of the Officer/official of KVS is entitled to such provisions. Hence the quota cannot be extended to service associations. |
Dropped |
13 |
Forced allotment of unalioted quarters should be stopped as per Supreme Court’s Order mentioned in Swami’s Hand Book 2009. |
Allotment of quarters is done in terms of KVS (Allotment of Residence), Rules 1998. A clarification was also issued vide letter no. F. 4-5(1 )/2005/KVS(Admn- I) dated 28.12.2007, as no quarter is to be kept vacant when eligible category of employees are available. The reference stated by the association is not seen in Swamy’s Handbook for the year 2009. |
The demand of association cannot be accepted. However, the residential accommodation which is not in livable condition can be allotted to an eligible employee forcefully. The AIKVTA raised that the residential accommodation is not livable at many Vidyalayas such as KV No. 1 Calicut. The chairperson directed the KVS to develop the mechanism to identify such residential accommodation and get them habitable Action by:- Suptd. Engineer. |
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Agenda |
Comments of KVS |
Decision taken on 28.10.2014 |
1 |
Cadre Restructuring The matter has been taken up from last two consecutive JCM but the issue has been dragged under the Red Tappism. KEVINTSA is still eagerly waiting for the SIU unit to come for the purpose |
In response to KVS letter no 11029-6/2014- KVS(HQ)(Admn I) dated 26.05.2014, the MHRD vide their letter dated 30.06.2014 has informed that the SIU Unit has been winded up. The Ministry has further opined that KVS may take appropriate action at their own. |
Dropped in view of ATR point no. 5 (10) above. |
2 |
Staffing pattern The decision of the JCM held in the year 2000 and approved by the then Hon’ble Vice Chairperson has not been revoked or put up before the BOG of KVS and hence necessary further action is required to be taken by KVS in this regard. |
It was informed to Association in JCM dated 04.02.2014 that in case they want to submit anything in response to present staffing norms they may submit a fresh proposal. No proposal is received so far. |
Dropped in view of ATR point no. 5 (10) above. |
3 |
Regional offices and ZIET staff sanction pattern Since there are norms available for staff sanction pattern -a work study should be done. |
In response to KVS letter no 11029-6/2014- KVS(HQ)(Admn I) dated 26.05.2014, the MHRD vide their letter dated 30.06.2014 has informed that the SIU Unit has been winded up. The Ministry has further opined that KVS may take appropriate action at their own. |
Dropped in view of ATR point no. 5 (10) above. |
4 |
Settlement of Court Cases Was dropped in the previous meetings. There are court cases still pending in various Hon’ble courts through India. A meeting may be arranged with KVS officials and Min. of HRD (as MHRD is required to be consulted) to settie the cases to enable the administration to proceed with the decisions. Adalat may be conducted. |
There is no provision for Court Case Adalat, as the cases are to be decided by the Hon’ble Court, hence, may be dropped. |
Dropped |
5 |
Duty Allocation KEVINTSA objects to the current duty allocation order issued by KVS, which has been done mechanically without taking into account the ground realities prevailing in KVs/KVS ROs. |
In the JCM dated 21.02.2013 the association raised objection against work distribution done by KVS. The Chairperson JCM directed them to submit their views on the said order to KVS if any in writing. But nothing is received so far. |
Dropped |
6 |
Promotion to erstwhile NTS to teaching posts Was dropped in The JCM. But since stagnation is persisting in all the cadres of non-teaching staff and since already reservations are provided to SC/ST/PH candidates, the Non- Teaching Staff may be provided opportunity to be posted against teaching posts, on probation. Appointment of non – teaching staff will not erode the standard of teaching in KVS but the KVS experience of the non-teaching staff is required to be tapped and if need be in-service training/orientation training may be conducted and then the non-teaching staff inducted to teaching profession. |
There is no provisions for non-teaching staff working in Kendriya Vidyalayas to be posted on promotion against teaching posts. However, non-teaching staff if having educational and other essential qualification as per Recruitment Rules of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan can compete through Direct Recruitment for appointment to teaching posts. |
Dropped |
7 |
Re-employment of non-teaching staff until appointment/transfer of a non-teaching to that post. Due to scarcity of staff prevailing in KVs/KVS ROs/KVS ZIETs, all the retired non-teaching staff may be retained in that office until a regular incumbent to the post is appointed/ transferred on the basis the consolidated pay and as engaged by KVS, HQ and KVS, ROs. KVS, HQ had offered 30,000/- consolidated pay for contracting an Accountant for AEP Scheme of KVS, HQ. The same consolidated pay is proposed to be extended to the NTS reemployed after retirement against the vacancies.
Already discussed and dropped in JCM dated 18.10.2012 vide agenda no. 7 of KEVINTA |
Dropped |
8 |
Transfer guidelines KEVINTSA in terms with decision of 264/2011 filed by KEVINTSA before the Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench, is to include representatives of KEVINTSA. The members of the recognized associations may be included in all the transfer committees of KVS, HQ to ensure that transparent functioning to avoid any case of favoritism and in compliance to the directions of Hon’ble CAT, Emakulam Bench
Policies and programmes of KVS including transfer guidelines are approved by its board of governors after due deliberation at various leel. KVS is a big organization and kendriya vidyalayas are spread out all over India including hard/very hard/N.E Regions/J&K, Boarder Areas etc. Because of its all India presence, KVS & its employees also promote national integration like all India services Armed Forces, Para Military Forces, ETC.
In the existing transfer guidelines of KVS, due weightage has been given to elements which are highlighted by the Association to effect the transfer in fair and transparent manner on an annual basis Transfers are effected as per the various provisions of KVS transfer guidelines approved by B.O.G., KVVS Moreover, there is no committee namely Transfer Committee in KVS (HQ)
9 |
Representation of representative of association in BOG/GB of KVS The matter was dropped. However since BOG is the competent authority under article 11 of the Education Code, representation of KEVINTSA is essential or permission may be given to KEVINTSA representatives to meet the members of the BOG to discuss matters pertaining to the non-teaching staff working in KVS |
The issue was discussed and dropped in the JCM held on 21.02.2013 but the matter has again been submitted as an Agenda item for JCM Meeting schedule to be held on 28.10.2014.
A Committee was constituted under the chairmanship of JC(Trg.), KVS. After detailed discussion the Committee was of the view that no member of any service association be inducted/ nominated in the Board of Governors of KVS as JCM is the appropriate forum.
In view of the above the stand taken by KVS i.e. no representation of representatives of service association in BOG/ GB of KVS stands. |
Dropped |
9 |
Promotion to the post of Section Officer Adhoc Promotions may be taken up, as per DOPT guideline, when recruitment rules are under review or due to any other reason (in the instant case as the matter has been appealed by KVS in the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala. Now when LDE has been incorporated w.e.f. 2012- 13 and 2013-14. be the situation if further the promotion for the vacancies prior to 2011 is incorporated after the result of LDE then the Senior will become junior in the Seniority list and lead to litigations? It is pertinent to note that the favourable decision of the Hon’ble CAT, Ernakulam Bench in matter of seniority of assistants working in KVS has neither been stayed nor reversed by the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala and hence the seniority list of Assistants as on 01.01.2004 prevails and promotion is to be taken immediately, pertaining the vacancies that arose from 2008 to 2014. |
The adhoc promotion from the post of Assistant to the post of Section Officer was taken up as per the Recruitment Rule effective from 1.8.2008 but as the court case regarding Seniority of Assistants was pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala, the promotions could not be done. However, promotion to the Section Officer through Limited Deptt. Examination for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14 has been conducted on 14.09.2014. |
Dropped |
11 |
Recruitment/Promotion to the post of LDC KEVINTSA proposes to OTP [One time Promotion] for filling up of Sub-staff to LDC , LDC to UDC and UDC to Assistant on urgent basis as there are huge numbers of vacancies persists even after LDE. Rest in case of promotion to sub-staff to LDC the existing ratio may proposed to be revised as
Seniority based: 20% LDE : 30% Direct: 50% |
The DPC for promotion from the post of Sub¬staff to LDC, LDC to UDC and UDC to Assistant has been done till year 2013-14.There was no promotion vacancy for promotion from the post of LDC to UDC and UDC to Assistant for the year 2014-15. There are 07 (seven) vacancies for promotion from the post of Sub-staff to LDC for the year 2014-15 for which DPC will be held shortly. As per existing Recruitment Rule for the post of LDCS 90% vacancies are to be filled by Direct Recruitment and 10% vacancies are to be filled by promotion from amongst sub-staff. |
Dropped |
12 |
Academic Wing Though dropped. It Is requested that a subcommittee be constituted to conduct a work study and report to the JCM for final decision by JCM. The report of work study being done by KVS through IIM Chennai |
The report of IIM Bengalore was examined by KVS and some suggestions have already been implemented. However now there no more review is required. |
Dropped. |
13 |
Deputation/ Temporary duty to the NTS The item was dropped by KVS. However, no action has been taken by KVS, I like grant of honorarium, adhoc promotion etc. If seniors are not interested juniors may be given adhoc promotion and posted to vacant posts instead of resorting to deputation. Honorarium under FR 46 or FR 49 may please be given to the employee deputed for extra duties. |
Already discussed vide item No. 8 of agenda of KEVINTSA in JCM meeting dated 21.02.2013, wherein it was decided that the issues will be examined on case to case basis. Hence, may be dropped. |
Dropped |
14 |
Provision of TA/DA for appearing in LDE KVS has not adverted to this matter yet. The matter for grant of TA/DA to NTS appearing in LDE, in the light of SR 130 is to be considered by JCM, since the examinations are being conducted exclusively for the non¬teaching staff working in KVS and conducted oniy in select cities, depriving the non-teaching staff working in other places. |
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan does not pay TA/DA to its employees for appearing in Limited Deptt. Examination. |
After deliberation, the Chairperson directed KVS to re-examine the issue in the light of extent rules and submit the action taken in next JCM.
Action by JC(F) |
15 |
Additional duties to NTS Linder Examination of KVS. Will be decided in the next meeting. Even for cluster KVs where additional/ correspondences are done and needs compilation works, causing additional burden. |
Status already explained in agenda of KEVINTSA item no. 5 (10) above of ATR JCM dated 18.06.2014. |
Dropped |
16 |
Computerization of records The matter may be pursued to ensure uniformity in all regions, keeping in view of the transferability of staff |
The association may submit their issues in detail. |
After deliberation, it is known that the meaning of computerization of records is to upload the various proformae on the website of KVS. The Chairperson directed the KVS to upload the meaningful proformae on the website of KVS.
Action by JC(Admn)/ JC(F)/ JC(Acad)/ JC(Trg.)/ JC (Pers.). |
17 |
PR Cell Though PR cell has been formed, it is suggested that the matter of settlement of grievances through video conferencing at KVS, HQ and Regional level be taken up by KEVINTSA so that the matter is available on record and is subject to RTI information. |
The request of Association is not tenable as the grievance of the individuals have to be examined with reference to the records available in KVS Hqrs, Regional Office, and Vidyalaya. |
Dropped |
18 |
Affording an opportunity to CPF subscribers to opt for GPF Provision may be given for only one time for the existing CPF members to opt to come over to GPF as a onetime measure alone. |
The matter for conversion of CPF scheme into GPF scheme was referred to MHRD for consideration in the month of August, 2013. The MHRD has desired some inputs in October, 2013 and February 2014 which have been provided in July, 2014. The matter is under examination with MHRD. |
Dropped |
19 |
School level JCM In order to face the heap of issues at Regional JCMs the similar JCMs is proposed at School levels to sort the issues at ground level first and then only the unresolved issues would come to JCMs of Regional Council and National Council of KVS. |
There is no provision for school level JCM |
Dropped |
20 |
Full exemption of VVN / Tuition fee for KVS wards “Full exemption” as prevailed prior to 01.04.2013 may please be enacting back for KVS employee at forthcoming BOG for the approval of the same. As reimbursable part is taxable and also lead to repetition of works. |
As per the decision taken it was decided not to extend any type of exemption to the wards of Govt, employees (including KVS), if he or she is claiming CEA from his/her Deptt. for the respective children. Since this is a policy matter duly approved by the BOG, it may not be possible for KVS to make any changes. |
Dropped |
Source: http://kvsangathan.nic.in/