Recovery of Provident Fund under EPF Scheme, 1952 – Reg
New Delhi – 110016
Email ID:-
Telephone No: 011-26858570 ext-(205)
Dated: 16/06/2016
The Deputy Commissioner /Director,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regional Offices/ ZIETs.
Sub: Recovery of Provident Fund under EPF Scheme, 1952 – Reg.
With reference to the captioned subject, I am to forward herewith a copy of DO. Letter no.CAIU/011(33)2015/HQ dated 6th June 2016 which is self – explanatory.
The salient features highlighted by Sri. C.Chakraborty, Addl. Central Fund Commissioner-II, EPFO, New Delhi in his letter is reproduced hereunder:
1. The issue of coverage of contract workers under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 has been flagged as an area of top most concern by the Government of India.
2. Contractors claim huge amount towards EPF of contract workers from the Principal Employer (KVS) but either do not deposit it at all or deposit it partly, thus depriving these workers of Provident Fund, Pension and Insurance benefits.
3. As per Paragraph 30(3) of EPF Scheme, 1952, it is the responsibility of the principal employer to pay both the contributions payable by him in respect of the employees directly employed by him and also in respect of the employees employed by or through a contractor.
4. In their website on the “establishment search option”, a provision is available to verify as to whether the agencies and contractors having Provident Fund Code numbers are regularly depositing Provident Fund contributions every month to check the compliance position of the agencies and contractors to the provisions of the Act and the Schemes framed there under to which the contracts are awarded by the department.
5. To bridge the gaps and with the view to make the system more robust, transparent and to reduce the cost of compliance for the employer, EPFO has launched a facility for the principal employers to register at the EPFO website the details of contract employers of each contract awarded, which can be viewed and updated at any time.
6. The Regional and Sub-Regional office will also take steps to secure compliance of employees engaged by the contactor towards Employees Provident Fund.
7. A representative can be deputed to contact the concerned Regional PF Commissioner of the Regional/Sub-Regional Office to know further methodology.
8. The details of the contract employers of each contract should be uploaded to facilitate compliance under EPF and MP Act, 1952.
It is requested that the contents of DO letter dated 6th June 2016 may be brought to the notice of all the Principals under your region and may also be noted at your end for compliance in letter and spirit.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Arumugam)
Joint Commissioner (Fin)