Suggestions/comments on the present KVS transfer guidelines
Dated: 21.10.2015
All Regional offices, KVS/ Directors of all ZlETs, KVS
All Principals of KVs including KVs at abroad
Sub: Suggestions/comments on the present KVS transfer guidelines – reg.
The present KVS transfer guidelines for teachers upto PGT and Non-teaching staff Upto Assistant are effective from 01.04.2011 as amended from time to time. It has been decided to seek suggestions/comments on the guidelines from all stakeholders to make the guidelines more transparent and employee welfare oriented. All DCs are therefore directed to send the comments/suggestions to KVS(hqrs.) as per following Schedule:-
I. A copy of this Circular be circulated to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of all KVS/ROS on 28/10/2015. The principals are directed to discuss the issue and receive the suggestions/comments in writing from the desirous staff in the staff meeting to be held on 31.10.2015 (last working day). The suggestions/comments may be compiled at KV level and mailed to the DC, KVS concerned on or before 2.11.2015.
II. The DCs also may give their suggestions/comments on this issue and also take from their staff members.
Ill. The Dy. Commissioners shall compile the suggestions/comments they receive from the KVs of their region/RO and send the same to KVS(hqrs.) on or before 6.11.2015 by e-mail – kvs.newtgs@gmail.com for further necessary action.
IV. All the three service associations i.e. AIKVTA, KVPSS and KEVINSTA have also been requested to send their comments/suggestions on the issue vide KVS(hqrs) letter no. F.11029-16/2015-KVS(Admn-I)/3762 dated 30.9.2015.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
Source: http://kvsangathan.nic.in/