Timely payment of Retirement/Death benefits
18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg,
New Delhi-110016.
Tel.: 26858570
Fax 26514179
Website: www.kvsangathan.nic.. in
The Deputy Commissioner,
All Regional Offices.
Sub: Timely payment of Retirement/Death benefits — reg.
As per extant instructions the retirement benefits are to be paid to retiring employees on the day of retirement. In case of death of employee while in service, it is the duty of the Head of Office to get the papers completed from the family of the deceased employee and settle the dues most expeditiously so that the family of the deceased does not suffer for want of financial support. Various stages for preparatory work have already been prescribed in Accounts Code as amended from time to time.
Primary responsibility for timely completion of papers and sending these to the Pension Sanctioning Authority rests with the Head of Office (Principal in case of staff working in Vidyalayas and Deputy Commissioner in case of Regional Office). Nevertheless the Deputy Commissioner as administrative head of the Region as well as Pension Sanctioning Authority in respect of staff working in Kendriya Vidyalayas has overall responsibility to ensure timely sanction and payment of dues accruing on retirement/death of the employees.
It has been observed that in a number of cases the Principals as well as the Deputy Commissioners have been found to be quite insensitive to the matter concerning retirement/death benefits of the employees. In death cases particularly, the distressed families whose bread winner is no more have to wait for months together for getting the dues. A single day’s delay in payment of salary to a regular staff creates a big hue and cry. What happens to a family who is not only bereaved but also lost financial support all of a sudden. While the struggle of the family is unimaginable, it is inhuman on the part of the Officers concerned to leave this sensitive issue at the mercy of lower level functionaries and go with their own priorities.
Delay in settlement of cases pertaining to retirement/death benefits on the part of the Officers/officials concerned has been viewed very seriously. Already a Finance Officer has been put under suspension for laxity in supervision and action is being initiated in other similar cases to fix responsibilities on defaulting employees irrespective of their position and status.
Deputy Commissioners of all Regional Offices are, therefore, advised to take note that there shall be Zero tolerance for delay in settlement of retirement/death benefits of the employees at all levels. These instructions should be circulated to all Kendriya Vidyalayas under jurisdiction of respective Regions.
Yours faithfully,
(Santosh Kumar Mall)
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S.Lakshman Rao says
!!! We have seen implementation of all the pay commissions only after issue of central government Notifications to derive the legitimate dues!!! Thus and therefore seventh pay commission compilation will also have the same principle….!!! Kindly Remember about the need of central government notifications!!! required for implementation purposes…Regards….
S.Lakshman Rao says
Working criteria has to be at existing rates, which may not be linked with seventh pay commission benefits,in the absence of central government notifications…Regards,,,
S.Lakshman Rao says
!!! Pension Grievances Cell New Delhi!!! is the right forum which deals with cases of such nature….Regards…