Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS to SSE-Drawing (formerly diploma holder tracers) appointed against DR quota vacancies as Assistant Draftsman
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS to SSE-Drawing (formerly diploma holder tracers) appointed against DR quota vacancies as Assistant Draftsman-reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 15/2015.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-V/2015/PNM/NFIR/2 dated 21/09/2015.
Reply received by NFIR vide Board’s letter dated 21/09/2015, in reference to PNM item No.15/2015 is misleading as the same is neither supported by the relevant rules nor is based on the factsli. as such, is not acceptable to the Federation.
2. In this connection, NFIR reiterates below the rules on the subject and the facts which have not been taken into consideration by the Board while communicating negative decision:-
- Railway Board vide letter No. E(NG)III/79/RC1/49 dated 21/04/1980 decided that the vacancies of Assistant Draftsman in scale Rs.330-560 against 50% direct recruitment quota shall be filled from amongst the existing serving employees possessing Diploma in draftsmanship, duly considering these employees against DR quota. The staff selected against this order were extended benefit as such with reference to this letter only.
- The conclusion drawn by the Railway Board in 1st para of letter dated 21/09/2015 is totally incorrect that the concerned staff were promoted to the post of Assistant Draftsman from Tracers Grade Rs.260-430 (now GP 2000 /PB-1) to Assistant Draftsman in scale Rs.330-560 (now GP 2400, PB-1) against restructured vacancies and allowed promotion w.e.f. 01/01/84.
- As a matter of fact, the benefit of restructuring to the Tracers working in scale Rs.260-430 (GP 2000/PB-1) has been extended by the Board vide letter dated 25/06/1985 w.e.f. 01/01/1984 who could not take advantage of Board’s letter dated 21/04/1980 for the reasons mentioned in para VI of letter dated 25/06/1985.
- Federation also desires to state that the two letters of Board are independent and are not at all related to each other. Therefore, the conclusion drawn by the Board is not only unfounded but is also illogical and irregular.
- In 2nd para of the letter dated 21-09-2015, it has been stated by the Railway Board that the post of Asstt. Draftsman was next higher functional post for Tracers Category, therefore in terms of point no.31 of Board’s instructions/clarification dated 19-02-2002 where placement in higher grade involves assumption of higher duties and responsibilities then such up-gradation will be viewed as promotion/up-gradation and has to be reckoned for the purpose of ACP/MACPS.
In this connection, NFIR desires to reproduce below the relevant portion of the condition no.31 for proper appreciation:-
“If the rationalized/restructured grades required possession of a specific nature of qualification and experience, not specified in the existing posts in pre-rationalized set up and existing incumbents in pre-rationalized scales/pre-structured grades, who are in possession of the required qualification/experience are placed directly in the rationalized upgraded postm such placement will also not be viewed as promotion/up-gradation.”
3. Further to above, NFIR desires to clarify that the Railway Board under item (v) of para VI of letter dated 5-06-1985 had clarified that after the entire cadre of Tracers has been fully accommodated in the higher grade post of Junior Draftsman in scale Rs.330-560 future vacancies in scale Rs.330-560 will be filledby 100% direct recruitment.
The above position clearly establishes that posts of Tracers in scale Rs.260-430 (GP Rs.2000/PB-1) have been phased out progressively by the method mentioned under items no.(i) to (iii) of para VI of Board’s letter dated 25-06-1985 and the cadre stands abolished without change in the duties and responsibilities. Therefore the clarification issued under condition no.31-extract mentioned above, the placement of staff cannot be viewed as promotion/up-gradation. The conclusion drawn by the Railway Board is thus incorrect and unjustified.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly review their decision and issue instructions to the GMs etc., for granting financial up-gradation in favour of former Tracers since absorbed as Asstt. Draftsman, A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
yours faithfully,
General Secretary.
Signed Copy click here