Details of NPS contributions held in the account maintained as NPS Collection Account
CIR No.:PFRDA/2017/13/SWM/2
All Aggregators
Date: 23rd March, 2017
Subject: Annexure 7 — Details of NPS contributions held in the account maintained as NPS Collection Account
1. The NPS contributions collected by Aggregators must be duly accounted for and credited to the respective PRANs of the subscribers. In order to ensure compliance with the same, it was laid down in the Guidelines for Operational activities that the following information shall be furnished by all Aggregators on annual basis to NPS Trust on or before 30th April each year:
“Details of cash held in the account maintained in ‘Collection Account’ held in the name of National Pension System Trust at the end of financial year i.e. 39st March of each year, certified by the Compliance Officer and an External Auditor.”
2. In this regard, please find Annexure- 7 as enclosed, in which the information as specified above, needs to be submitted by all the Aggregators to NPS Trust on annual basis within prescribed timelines. Annexure 7 consists of following three sections:
(a) Section 1 — Details of Balance Outstanding as on 31st March, 20
(b) Section 2 — Details / bifurcation of the balance outstanding (excluding un-receconciled balance) as on 31st March, 20
(c) Section 3 – Details of Un-reconciled a/c balance ( out of balance outstanding under Section1)
3. All the Aggregators are advised to comply with the above and deviations in subm ssion of Annexure 7 are not permitted.
Ashish Kumar
General Manager